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- Episode 13 of Seikon no Qwaser. Sasha has lost his memory and been tricked by the Alpha Bitch into thinking that he's a girl that's been cursed and turned a boy. Cue the following conversation with Fumika, the show's resident Pettanko:
Sasha: Was Fumika-oneechan cursed too?
- Cut to Fumika in a Corner of Woe
- Later that episode Sasha's powers go out of control after he is asked to "recharge his soma" with all the girls. A lot of Gainaxing ensues. Except you-know-who.
Fumika:: AHHHHHHHHH! Huh?.
- Considering that the manga (and the show even more so) is this close to being a Hentai, Episode 4 contains what may be the single best Lampshade Hanging ever, used when Fille Fatale Katja makes her appearance (along with the coffin containing her copper armature) just as Sasha and Mafuyu rescue Tomo and Teresa from some kidnapping amateur pornographers.
Mafuyu: "A coffin...and a cosplay loli? WHAT IS JAPAN COMING TO?!" |
- Earlier in the same episode, Teresa aInd Tomo go into a changing booth to try on bras. They start to get undressed, only to abruptly realize that Sasha is in the booth with them.
Sasha: *completely serious* "Don't worry. I'm standing guard."
- In episode 8 of season two has Sasha vs Jita in a bowling. Fumika curb stomps them by bowling a perfect game
- And Sasha goes into over the top Serious Business mode beforehand and has Tomo help him recharge his soma to win. And that turned out to be epically pointless.