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A Treatise of Schemes and Tropes This a Useful Notes page. A Treatise of Schemes and Tropes

The Japanese equivalent of the Hugo Award (though, ironically, "seiun" means "nebula"), the Seiun Award is an award for the best Science Fiction published in Japan in the previous year, as voted on by fans who attend the Japan Science Fiction Convention. Named after the first professional science fiction magazine in Japan, they have been run since 1970.

Works that have won or been nominated for a Seiun Award include:

Anime - Best Media[]

Comic Books (Best Comic)[]

Film (Live Action) - Best Media[]

Literature (Japanese) - Best Japanese Novel, unless noted[]

Literature (Non-Japanese) - Best Foreign Novel, unless noted[]

Live Action TV - Best Media[]

Manga - Best Comic[]

Video Games - Best Media[]

Free Genre[]

  • Hatsune Miku (won 2008)
  • Gundam 30th Anniversary Project Real G the Statue of Gundam (won 2010)
  • Kobe Tetsujin Project (nominated 2010)

Special Award[]