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File:Wanna Be The Strongest In The World.jpg

Sekai de Ichiban Tsuyoku Naritai! ("Wanna Be the Strongest in the World") is a manga that was adapted to an anime. A rather Ecchi anime with rather realistic Professional Wrestling theme.

Hagiwara Sakura is an idol for the group "Sweet Diva". Her and her best friend/rival Miyazawa. Elena are sent to Berserk, a female pro-wrestling stable for promotion of their group, but a few badly timed remarks from Elena on pro wrestling results in Kazama Rio (one of heels of the promotion) getting pissed off, and not long after, Elena is worked over in no time flat in very one sided wrestling match and and Rio disses the idol career.

Sakura takes offense to this, and proceeds to look like she might actually win despite not being a wrestler herself, but Rio soundly kicks the crap out of her too, and only learns after the fight that losing means she has to get her hair cut off as the loser penalty.

However, Sakura refuses to just accept disgrace, so she signs up for Berserk so she can get the training she needs to wipe the smirk off Rio's face, but despite a ton of toughening up still gets her ass handed to her over and over again.

Until, that is, Toyoda Misaki (Berserk's top wrestler, who also has a similar background to Sakura) takes Sakura under her wing, and not only does Sakura start winning, but her goal changes from simply defeating Rio to becoming the strongest in the world.

However, that still leaves the fate of her idol life in question, which has Elena worried.....

It was adapted to a Twelve-Episode Anime in Fall 2013, and is rather infamous for lots and lots of moaning noises.

It can be streamed from here.

Tropes used in Sekai de Ichiban Tsuyoku Naritai! include:
  • Big No: Said a lot by Sakura. As the story develops, it becomes her battle cry.
  • Ecchi: Though somewhat tame in comparison to something like Queen's Blade.
  • Face: Sakura and most of the other protagonists.
  • Heel: Most of the antagonists, though like in actual wrestling, this is not set in stone, and Rio is a heel in persona but uses Face style wrestling techniques.
  • Male Gaze: It's an ecchi anime, so expect to see lots of camera focus on boob jiggle, crotch and ass shots, suggestive looking poses, etc.
  • Orgasmic Combat - This series' main ecchi draw: Lots and lots of orgasm like moans whenever the show can find an excuse for it.
  • Professional Wrestling: Shown fairly realistically.
  • Serious Business: Sakura quickly adopts this attitude towards the sport. Not having this attitude is Rio's Berserk Button.
  • Traumatic Haircut: The price of the match Sakura lost. Wasn't all that traumatic in the long run.