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This movie seems to use the Friedberg/Seltzer method of parodying material that the writers have never seen!

Look, these are just the same scenes with idiot pratfalls thrown in! That's not satire or parody!
Film Brain, during his review of Epic Movie

They write lazily, they steal with impunity, and they take money brazenly. They don't seem to care if they entertain anybody, so long as they get paid.
The Agony Booth's recap of Epic Movie

Friedberg and Seltzer do not practice the same craft as P.T. Anderson, David Cronenberg, Michael Bay, Kevin Costner, the Zucker Brothers, the Wayans Brothers, Uwe Boll, any dad who takes shaky home movies on a camping trip, or a bear who turns on a video camera by accident while trying to eat it. They are not filmmakers. They are evildoers, charlatans, symbols of Western civilization's decline under the weight of too many pop culture references.
Slate critic Josh Levin on the duo

There’s no nice way to say this, so I’ll just say it: Writer/directors Friedberg and Seltzer are a scourge. They’re a plague on our cinematic landscape, a national shame, a danger to our culture, a typhoon-sized natural disaster disguised as a filmmaking team, a Hollywood monster wreaking havoc on the minds of America’s youth and setting civilization back thousands of years. This is exactly why they’re so successful [...]
Josh Rosenblatt during his review of Disaster Movie

"It really shows how stunningly lazy the so-called 'writing' is on this movie when they're stealing a joke from the very movie they're supposedly satirising! Shameless! Simply shameless!"
Film Brain, again

Y'know, usually when you make a spoof movie, you take movies that take themselves too seriously and you satirize the subject. You don't take comedies and make a less-funny version of that.
Jason Steele's thoughts on Epic Movie during Knox Kast Radio Ep. 38

Two of my friends said they went to see Meet the Spartans... One went high, the other went clean... Neither laughed...
Game FAQs poster MarvelousGerbil