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Senran Kagura: Shojō-tachi no Shin'ei (Senran Kagura: Portrait of Girls) is a 3DS game by Marvelous Interactive.

According to the official information, it will be a side-scrolling brawler. The premise goes thus: Ninjas secretly exist even in this age, and there are those who employ them for nefarious purposes. To counter this, the government founded the Hanzō Academy in order to train female shinobi, or kunoichi.

But of course, most of the attention on the game comes from what it's really about: The gameplay trailer should fill you in on what it is. It's mild, but don't watch it at work. Another, longer trailer is also available focusing on gameplay and showing more of the antagonists. The NSFW disclaimer still applies.

The official site can be visited here; this one, on the other hand, is pretty safe aside from the intro sequence picture. A sequel has been confirmed to be in the works.

Marvelous Entertainment is currently working hard to bring this game to North America.

Tropes presented by Senran Kagura:[]