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The 1995 film[]

  • Thompson's acceptance speech at the Golden Globes, which she also won for Best Adapted Screenplay; rather than give a real speech, she reads to the audience what she imagines Jane Austen might have written in her diary about attending the award ceremony. The speech is viewable on the DVD.
  • When Elinor fails to coax Margaret out of hiding, Edward comes in and - guessing that Margaret is an avid reader - starts asking for maps to confirm wildly inaccurate "facts", each inaccuracy funnier than the last. It works in getting Margaret out of hiding to berate them.
  • When Willoughby disappears, Marianne throws a fit that Elinor tries to calm with a cup of tea. The scene quickly dissolves into three of the Dashwood women - Marianne (upset over her boyfriend's disappearance), the mother (upset that her daughters can't find happiness), and Margaret (upset that Edward's not coming to court Elinor) - storming off to separate parts of the house to slam doors and cry. Elinor calmly sits down on the stairwell and sips the tea.
  • Fanny's reaction to finding out who Lucy wants to marry. Most satisfying.


  • Edward's interactions with Margaret, which endears him to Elinor:

 Edward: She is heading an expedition to China shortly. I am to go as her servant but only on the understanding that I will be very badly treated.

Elinor: What will your duties be?

Edward: Sword-fighting, administering rum and swabbing.


Edward: What is swabbing, anyway...?
