Les Yay: The only two people Lain ever has any real connection to are Alice and, to a much lesser extent, Mika. Alice and Lain, however, are not related and occasionally have... shall we say, moments of intimacy that go far beyond mere friendship. Hell, Lain even tells Alice she loves her towards the end.
"Protocol 7 is expected to allow the seamless sharing of information, information that will be shared between the Wired and the real world. And now, the following message. Let's all love Lain. [Slasher Smile] Let's all love Lain, let's all love Lain, let's all love Lain, LainLainLainLainLainLainLainLainL-l-l-l-l-l!"
Paranoia Fuel / The Fourth Wall Will Not Protect You: During the title sequence, we see Lain being watched on television by people. She's staring back at them. Those people are you. She can see you.
Woolseyisms in the Argentinian (Latin American) dub:
The word "Wired" was translated as "Nexus", partly because "Cableado" sounds kinda silly, partly because "Nexus" is more descriptive and fits the context much better.
Several parts were changed from vaguely prophetical nonsense to ominous prophetic awesome, such as the line that Lain says when confronting the drugged-up clubber in the second chapter.
Also, the distorted voice that says the title of the chapters was made creepier and scarier by a very large run.