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The eldest of the septuplets, One is a tomboy who often tries to be responsible, but is usually undone by her bossiness. Although she is easily worked up and gets frustrated by her siblings' antics, she really does care about them.
Voiced by Joanne Vannicola
- Fiery Redhead
- Flight: She's the only monster who can fly.
- Nice Cap
- The Stool Pigeon: Sometimes; most notably in the episode "I'm Telling".
- Team Mom: She tries to act like one when their mother isn't around, but she can't keep her rambunctious siblings under control at all, nor can she keep her patience with them.
- Tomboy
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: With Six
The most helpful of the monsters, Two has a very prominent nose which he often sticks where it doesn't belong.
Voiced by Colin Mochrie
- Nice Guy
- Strong Family Resemblance: Their mother often says that he reminds her a lot of his father.
- The Nose Knows
The most dramatic monster who takes on a new role each episode. Although he is perhaps the weirdest monster, he also seems to have the most knowledge.
Voiced by Dwayne Hill
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Cosplay: In most episodes.
- Ditzy Genius / Genius Ditz
- Large Ham
- Mr. Exposition: He's usually the one to explain a new concept to the others.
Grumpy, selfish and rambunctious, Four has a troublesome and negative personality. Despite his flaws, though, he loves his siblings and usually does the right thing in the end. He is almost always seen with Five.
Voiced by Sean Cullen
- Butt Monkey / "No Respect" Guy: His Jerkass tendencies don't earn him any respect from his siblings.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Grumpy Bear
- Half-Dressed Cartoon Monster
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Middle Child Syndrome
- The Napoleon: He is the shortest of his siblings, although he's still a giant.
- Nice Hat
- Talking to Himself: With Five and Seven
- You've Gotta Have Green Fur
The most child-like of the monsters, Five follows Four like a lost puppy and seldom speaks, and when he does he speaks with a thick accent that requires Four to translate for him.
Voiced by Sean Cullen
- Big Eater
- Big Fun
- Cheerful Child
- Elmuh Fudd Syndwome: When he does talk.
- Extreme Omnivore
- Morality Pet: Four's.
- Overly Long Tongue
- Talking to Himself: With Four and Seven
- The Unintelligible: Four translates for him.
- You've Gotta Have Blue Fur
The resident ballerina, Six thinks she's the most beautiful of the monsters, and often worries about her appearance.
Voiced by Michele Scarabelli
- Ballet: She goes to ballet class, and is always seen wearing her tutu and carrying her ballet wand.
- Pride: In her appearance.
- Sleepyhead: She needs her beauty sleep, after all.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: With One.
The youngest of the septuplets, Seven is the tallest but most timid and gentle of the monsters. He has a detachable head, which he is prone to losing.
Voiced by Sean Cullen
- Cute Shotaro Boy
- Losing Your Head
- Lovable Coward
- Perky Goth: He's got the voice and look of a classic movie monster, but is in reality very sweet.
- Talking to Himself: With Four and Five
- Trademark Favourite Food: Cheese.
The monsters' mother. A tiny woman who speaks in a heavy accent and usually provides her children with support and the episode's Aesop.
- Adult Child: At times.
- Funny Foreigner
- Team Mom: Of course.