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Compare/contrast the Character Sheet for the source anime.
Keroro Platoon[]
Sergeant Keroro[]
In the Abridged series, Keroro is an odd mix of useless Jerkass with a desire to accomplish his mission. Sadly his invasion plans wouldn't even make sense to a two-year old. Has a fear of being useful, is in a relationship with subordinate Tamama, and is apparently Hispanic. Voiced by Mugiwara Yoshi.
- Ambiguously Gay: Averted. As soon as he makes a pass at Tamama when the character is introduced, he outright says "I'm gay! The end!". Episode 10 also includes him experiencing "straight-panic".
- Also inverted, because he seems to have an attraction to women but won't come forward about it like he will his attraction to Tamama.
- Subverted by Episode 11, where he comes to grips with his sexuality and decides he is Bi.
- Gratuitous Spanish: Because Yoshi is Dominican, this is more of a Bilingual Bonus.
- Jerkass: Funimation couldn't make Keroro this awful a person.
- Lovable Sex Maniac
- Idiot Hero
- Mike Nelson, Destroyer of Worlds: Despite being an invader by (failed) profession, his only real successful destruction of life was an accident.
- The Neidermeyer: His platoon might hate him even more than the original series' counterparts.
- Politically Incorrect Hero:
"Skeet, bang my nig- no?" |
- Take That: Tends to say the most of them. Directly invoked it in Episode 5:
Tamama: "I guess they don't sell Waka Wakas on this planet." |
- Also in the Episode 1 remake:
Keroro: *While tied up* "Well I'm gonna jack your rope! [beat] Yeah. Take That, you little shit!" |
Private Tamama[]
Tamama is Keroro's adorable boyfriend until he is revealed to be a "she" at the end of Season 1. Tends to act stupid like the rest of the platoon, but occasionally exhibits rational thought. Voiced by ThornBrain.
- Ambiguously Gay: Averted. One of his nicknames is "fagmuffin". Becomes subverted when he ends up being straight only because he is a "she".
- Ambiguous Gender: Both in- and out-of-universe. Even Tamama herself didn't know she was a girl!
- The Chick
- Cloudcuckoolander
- The Ditz
- Dropped a Bridget On Him: Tamama turns out to be female, much to the surprise of everyone, including herself. This sent Keroro into 'straight panic' in episode 11.
- Not Allowed to Grow Up: Word of God says Tamama is the Keronian age-equivalent of a 20-year old, except she's a midget.
- The Other Darrin: Was played by Yoshi in Episode 3R; he and Thorn intended to trade off as the character's voice actor for each episode, but this was Yoshi's only credit as Tamama before he lost the voice. This was one of the reasons Episode 3 was remade along with the first two episodes.
Corporal Giroro[]
Giroro is Keroro and Dororo's lifelong friend, though he is less than pleased with Keroro's failures and would like their platoon to successfully invade Earth. Has/had a very transparent crush on Natsumi until getting together with and eventually marrying Dororo, and is a transvestite. Voiced by ThornBrain.
- Aloof Big Brother: Has acted like this to Dororo.
- Anti-Hero: Alternates from Type I to Type III
- Cannot Spit It Out: Averted. He outright says he loves Natsumi in Episode 5; nobody seems to notice or care, not even Natsumi.
- Catch Phrase: "Fuck this!"
- Cross Dresser
- Disguised in Drag: Doesn't even try, but he pretends to be famous singer Sumomo in Episode 6. Leads to his crossdresser reveal.
- Dude Looks Like a Lady: Perhaps according to him.
"At least I'm PRETTY!" |
- Deadpan Snarker
- Even the Guys Want Him: Word of God says Keroro wouldn't be against the idea, and Dororo even made a pass at him after his transvestism came to light. The latter eventually got him.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: An unlikely candidate, but he not only acts sweet towards Natsumi, he developed his friendship with Dororo much more than with any of the others.
- Kuudere: To Dororo and Natsumi.
- The Lancer
- Only Sane Man
- The Other Darrin: Was voiced by former member DragonFatman in the Episode 1R Post-Credits. With the retconning of Episode 1 and the subsequent remake, Fatman was technically never in the series.
- Straight Man: To the rest of his platoon. Usually.
- Suddenly Sexuality: His transvestism comes out of nowhere. Though, considering the series SFA is based on, it's not much of a surprise.
- Surrounded by Idiots: Though he's not immune to the Idiot Ball himself.
- Weaksauce Weakness: Colouring. As in "crayon-on-paper".
Lance Corporal Dororo[]
After being stranded in the forest with a broken leg, the lonely, depressed, mentally damaged, socially awkward, unpopular rich kid Dororo became a ninja. He appears to have a form of Stockholm Syndrome in relation to Keroro and Giroro, but his only true friends may indeed by Giroro and Koyuki; nobody else seems to care about him. Voiced by ThornBrain.
- Breakout Character: Even Yoshi didn't care about him until they finally introduced him. Now he's a fan and creator favorite.
- British Accents: Has a slight British tint to mirror his posh upbringing and to differentiate him from Thorn's other voices.
- Butt Monkey: His role as forgotten Butt Monkey in the original is replaced with that of a directly/emotionally-abused punching bag.
- Catch Phrase: "I'm lonely" and "(X) makes me lonely". Doesn't speak it directly much anymore, though it has been referenced in places.
- The Chew Toy: Especially as a kid.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Perhaps downright mentally disturbed.
- Country Matters: Uses the c-word in his character song "The Lonely Dance".
- Hilariously Abusive Childhood: And like any good Abridged Series, it's taken Up to Eleven and beyond.
- Ill Boy: Taken to a ridiculous extreme come Episode 11. According to Pururu, Dororo has every virus, germ, parasite, cancer, and other diseases in his body, some of which are female-exclusive. They're all dormant, completely benign, and non-contagious. The kicker? He got them all because he wanted to make friends.
- Of course, come the next few episodes, it's pretty clear they're not fully dormant or non-contagious.
- Momma's Boy:
(Sobbing) "My mom bought me that day planner..." |
- Subverted in Episode 10, where he appears to reveal resentment towards his mother.
- My Name Is Not Durwood: Characters often switch his name with something starting with D (Doorknob, Dorito) or something completely random (Laryngitis, Hangnail).
- Oblivious to Love: Koyuki sees him as a good friend, but for the most part he seems oblivious and just wants his platoon to be his friends (which he actually did accomplish with Giroro; then they kept going).
Sergeant Major Kululu[]
Kululu is creepy and he knows it. Most of his time is spent being weird. Voiced by Jpace92.
- Affably Evil
- Catch Phrase: "HEGH!"
- Cloudcuckoolander: He's aware of it.
- Jerkass
- The Other Darrin: He was voiced in Episodes 2R and 3R by GhostTC, who left before Episode 5. One of the reasons Episode 3 was remade along with the first two.
- Lampshaded in Episode 10, wherein Kululu admits that he was getting over a chest cold at the time, referencing Ghost's very quiet voice. However, the retconning of Episode 3R means that Kululu was instead talking about his lack of a speaking voice in Episode 4 and Jpace's mostly whispery first appearance in Episode 5.
- Start of Darkness: The team was in fear of this due to Future Kululu wanting to kill them all, which is taken seriously in Episode 12. He actually seems pretty mellow about the team.
- Token Evil Teammate: Subverted. Throughout the first season he's about as blatant as his main series counterpart. However it was mostly his future doppelganger. The real Kululu returns at the beginning of Season 2, and he mellows out considerably.
- Troll: He once trolled a leading economic power and the leaders of the world at once.
- Un Evil Laugh: Has switched out to the much less menacing, much more nasally "HEGH!"
Angol Mois[]
Mois is a sweet alien girl with a big crush on her longtime family friend Keroro. As opposed to the original Mois, this character has actually accomplished her mission to destroy the world. Voiced by codeblackhayate.
- Action Girl: If only once.
- Affably Evil: Her only reason to be on Earth is to destroy it.
- The Ditz: Though not so much stupid as innocent.
- Satellite Character: She accomplishes her mission in her introduction episode, so now she has no reason to be there.
Fuyuki Hinata[]
Scatterbrained, bit stupid, and Keroro may be his only friend. Voiced by ThornBrain.
- Beta Couple: With Alisa in Episode 13
- Cloudcuckoolander: The most obvious of them
- Took a Level In Jerkass: Towards the end of Episode 13, after Mokoma's death by head explosion, he makes several puns at her expense.
Natsumi Hinata[]
The girl of the house who is less than amused by the Keronians. She is the center of attention at her school by all of the females, and she wishes she could just have a friend instead of an admirer. Voiced by LillyLivers.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Even the Girls Want Her: Literally every girl at her school is obsessed with her, even the teachers.
- Only Sane Woman
- Surrounded by Idiots
Aki Hinata[]
The mom. She is a manga editor who is so desperate for ideas that she will take anything. Voiced by LillyLivers.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Fuyuki gets it from her
- The Tease:
Keroro: (In Spanish) I'm the house inspector? |
Koyuki Azumaya[]
A ninja girl with a crush on Natsumi. One of Dororo's few real friends (and Natsumi's for that matter). Voiced by Revy Moonshine.
- Dogged Nice Girl: Her to Natsumi. Natsumi only wants her as a friend.
- Schoolgirl Lesbians: Subverted.
Momoka Nishizawa[]
Fuyuki's secret admirer with extreme bipolar disorder. Voiced by Narusasu.
- Actor Existence Failure: Partial reason for why she had no speaking roles between Episodes 2R and 10, not because the voice actress was gone between then, but because finding one for her debut episode was such a pain.
- The SFA2 remake instead explains this as Tamama being annoyed with Momoka to the point of not speaking with her until trees start dying.
- Happened again with her current VA: Narusasu moved to Japan and, due to her housing conditions, can't voice in the series anymore.
- Killed Off for Real
- The Other Darrin: She was voiced in Episode 2R by LillyLivers. Excludes the revolving door of voice actors the character had before she even debuted.
- Your Head Asplode: The end of Episode 13.
Mutsumi Saburo[]
Natsumi's secret crush. He has a radio show, despite being mute.
- Actor Existence Failure: Really the whole joke about him being mute. He was originally voiced by DragonFatman who was unceremoniously kicked from the team after Episode 1R, so Thorn and Yoshi just decided to leave him without a voice.
- Butt Monkey: Every time he opens his mouth to talk, someone else starts talking. Even happens during his radio show.
- Even Natsumi, the girl with a crush on him, failed to notice him in Episode 1, leaving him sad and crying.
- He has effectively replaced the original Dororo's role as forgotten Butt Monkey.
- He Who Must Not Be Heard: He's tried talking, but he keeps getting interrupted. Even on his own radio show.
Other Recurring Characters[]
The disembodied voice that details the setting of a scene and makes sarcastic remarks. His role is considerably smaller than his Keroro Gunsou counterpart. Voiced by, and basically just is, ThornBrain.
Chief Medic Pururu[]
A childhood friend of Keroro, Giroro and Zeroro with something of a loony streak. Arrives out of nowhere to give the platoon checkups, which is just a cover for her to find out the platoon's weaknesses. Voiced by LillyLivers.
- A Degree in Useless: Word of God says she got her medical degree in the Keron equivalent of Coney Island.
LillyLivers (On Coney Island): "Most backwards fucking place in the world..." |
- Her completely wrong diagnoses of the platoon only confirm that in-series.
- American Accents: Sports a Brooklyn accent.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Most obvious as a kid; she seems fairly focused as an adult, but is still noticeably crazy.
- Cute and Psycho: Attractive and pleasant; secretly harvesting organs for cash.
- Distaff Counterpart: To Keroro in many ways, including having a casual approach to sex and sexuality, being pretty rubbish at her job, and having her own "Serious Pururu" moment[1].
- The Ditz: As a child.
- Hilariously Abusive Childhood
"When my mommy drinks juice, nobody's happy." |
- The Mole: She's actually there to learn the platoon's weaknesses and relay them to HQ.
Solid Snake[]
The main character of the Metal Gear Solid games makes recurring cameos to reference said series. He mostly appeared as a recurring One-Liner gag, but became an actual In-Universe entity in Episode 7. Voiced by ThornBrain.
- Ascended Extra: Qualifies, as he originally just appeared as a gag, but became an actual character in Episode 7.
- Reference Overdosed: To Metal Gear, natch.
The fellow main character of the Metal Gear Solid games has also started appearing in Season 2. He does not reference MGS so much as act like a walking Metrosexual Facebook / Twitter feed. Voiced by BigTUnit1.
Viper is a half-snake, half-humanoid space pirate with an apparent history with the Keroro Platoon, (he's Dororo's dad). After capturing Dororo and Koyuki in Episode 4, he is relegated to just appearing occasionally as a vocal cameo. Voiced by BigTUnit1.
- Luke, I Am Your Father: Averted. The characters just seem to know this, though Zeroro tries to deny it. He can't. Eventually it leads to a breakdown in Episode 10.
- Now subverted, as Dororo isn't even sure if Viper is his father anymore.
Future Kululu[]
Kululu's future self. He is apparently the Kululu we saw from Episode 6 through Episode 10, and the present-day Kululu was trapped somewhere. Also voiced by Jpace92.
- Beard of Evil: Has a pencil mustache, as inspired by Ron Mael of Sparks.
- Evil Laughter: He alternates between the "HEGH" laugh and an actual evil cackle.
- Knight Templar: He's trying to kill Keroro through insane means so that the mission to invade Earth actually gets accomplished.
An unnamed Admiral in the Keron Army with a lethal loathing of the Keroro Platoon. He dumps the platoon on Earth to get rid of them, only to send people and weapons after them to kill them. Generally speaks in a bored monotone. Voiced by TheSmashBro.
- Bad Boss
- Big Bad
- Driven to Suicide
- Dull Surprise: His usual speaking voice. You get the sense that he's not crazy about his job.
- Jerkass: He dumped the platoon on Earth with the implication that he just wanted them out of the way. He never made clear that they still had an invasion mission, and now he's trying to kill them for wasting time doing nothing.
- The Voice: Never seen; only heard over intercoms, answering machines, or while having a monologue to a black screen.
- ↑ As in "I'm so serious, even the jokes I tell are serious" Pururu