A 2013 videogame.
Lo Wang is a warrior entrusted by his employee to get a valuable sword from a man known as Mr. Mizayaki. However, when Wang finally meets him, Mizayaki wants nothing to do with him and says the sword it's not for sale, even if Wang offers him millions of dollars for the blade, the Nobitsura Kage. So, as he was ordered, Wang decides to engage in some aggressive negotiations to get the sword back. If you didn't get that yet, it means slaughter his way through anything Mizayaki puts between him and the sword.
Directed by Michael Mazur. Developed by Flying Wild Hog. Published by Devolver Digital.
Tropes used in Shadow Warrior (2013 video game) include:
- Action Bomb: The Mother demons attack Wang by rolling towards him and exploding.
- A Date with Rosie Palms: One of the fortune cookies reference this: "Having sex is like playing bridge. If you don't have a good partner, you'd better have a great hand".
- Aggressive Negotiations: To be fair, Wang tries words at first. Then he pulls out a katana when that fails, as his boss ordered.
- Alas, Poor Villain: Enra lets Wang kill him at the end to save the world of the shadows.
- A Load of Bull: Gozu controls a giant minotaur armour to fight Wang.
- Amnesiac Hero: Hoji is a banished demon that don't knows why he was banished in first place.
- An Axe to Grind: Gozu uses a giant hammer as weapon.
- Attack Its Weak Point:
- Gozu's armor have shiny weak points. Hoji directly points that out to Wang in the case the player didn't figure that out by himself.
- The Berserkers have huge protuberances on their back that are the only parts of their bodies where Wang can inflict damage.
- Beat Still My Heart: You can use a beating heart as a weapon. More specifically, of a demon. It makes weak demons have an heart attack.
- Big Bad: Enra is the main responsible for the demon invasion and even Orochi Zilla's search for the sword.
- Bittersweet Ending: Wang has saved Earth and even the Shadow Realm, but Hoji is dead. To make things worse, all the sadness is necessary. Otherwise, the Shadow Realm would die without the tears from Ameonna.
- The Blacksmith: Hoji created the armors that his brothers use to fight, and the whisperers.
- Corporate Samurai: Seriously, Wang incorporate traits of the samurai code in his modus operandi. To the point he only betrays Zilla when it becomes completely clear opposing Zilla is the only way to save mankind.
- Cutscene Boss: After all the effort to reach Zilla, including fighting a barrage of demons just before reaching his room, Wang literally disarms him in a short cutscene duel and takes the last piece of the Nobitsura Kage.
- Deal with the Devil: Enra is a demon trying desperately to find a blade, and Orochi Zilla is a human too ambitious to let life run in its natural way. Naturally, they make a deal where Zilla gets his youth and his ability to walk back, along with a lot of power. But isn't going to be Zilla who will pay the price, but the human race.
- Dem Bones:
- Necromancer demons raises dead people that are just bone with no flesh.
- Hoji's form after being defeated by Wang is simply a human-like skeleton.
- Demon Slaying: Wang is more of a traditional mercenary but has no problem with slaying demons once they appear.
- Doomed Hometown: Downplayed because it's just Wang's house but it feels mostly the same. Hoji even mentions how "every hero need this kind of thing".
- Evil Cripple: Zilla is a cruel crime boss, bound to a chair.
- Guns Akimbo: One of the upgrades for the MP-7 allows you to have one of them in each hand.
- He Was Right There All Along: Gozu don't begins to move until you look back at him after entering the boss arena.
- I Know Your True Name: Wang believes that to be the case in this reality, but it is not. Hoji has a good fun playing around with him by convincing him he is The Chosen One because he can say his name,though.
- Important Haircut: Wang shaves his head after his house is destroyed, believing it's needed. Interestingly, instead of an anime reference you would expect from a game so...eastern asian, Wang mentions kung-fu movies and Travis Bickle, that's hardly an hero as Hoji mentions.
- I Never Said It Was Poison: Gozu reveals about the existence of other whisperers without Hoji even having idea there could be others.
- Katanas Are Just Better: The game's description of the katana fits this trope to a T, calling it "the best sword ever devised".
- Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me: Some demons carry shields with them.
- Necromancer:There is one kind of demon raises dead skeletons to fight Wang.
- Off with His Head: You can inflict this on enemies, in several ways.
- Sequence Breaking: You can kill the first teleporter demon before it ever teleports, prompting Wang to say a line he would never say unless he saw the demon teleport.
- Snarky Non-Human Sidekick: Hoji is a demon that kind of possesses Wang, gives him supernatural abilities, and loves to mock our hero.
- Teleport Spam: A kind of demon is capable of doing this, annoying Wang.
- The Berserker: The Berserker demons. All they do is roar and charge like a bull towards Wang. However thanks to being almost completely immune to damage, they're much more dangerous than a normal demon. And their reckless behaviour actually helps them in avoiding damage, since Wang has difficulty to target in their weak points, localized in their backs.
- The Chosen One: Hoji jokes around the concept by convincing Lo Wang that he is one because he can easily says his name, that was supposed to be unpronounceable... a fact that the demon invented on the spot.
- The Undead: Dead human skeletons are brought to life by necromancer demons to fight Wang.