Badass Decay: Oh god yes, he started out as an uber heel that murdered everyone, beat John Cena for the WWE Championship, "retired"Triple H and dominated most people he's been up against, as soon as he won the championship a second time he's really started to loose all the badass cred, Randy Orton punked him out whenever they faced each other (to this day Sheamus has never beaten Orton), he ran like a bitch from The Nexus, hell, The Miz kicked his ass.
Recently, he's forcing the Badassery to re-emerge. Talking trash with Randy Orton? Check. Classic triple threat match with Mark Henry and Christian? Check. Recovering from THE PUNT in ONE WEEK? CHECK. Interrupting the Randy Orton / Christian contract signing and punking out both men? CHECK. The audience is now seeing how Sheamus is a force to be reckoned with. This has led to Sheamus actually being cheered! Heel Face Turn fast approaching?
Taking on Mark Henry, because no one else want due to him being on a warpath and taking out a bunch of people. And getting cheering for it. I would say YES, most definitely approaching a Heel Face Turn.
Withstanding the Great Khali vicegrip and Breaking out of it.
Base Breaker: Half the IWC thinks he's a versatile power man who's good on the mic, and the other half thinks he's one-dimensional and boring. There is no middle ground.
Internet Backdraft: Involved in one after his Squash Match against Daniel Bryan at Wrestlemania 28. Curiously, most of the ire seems to be less about the fact Sheamus won, as pretty much everyone and their mother figured Sheamus would come out that match the victor, and more that the match took 18 seconds.
Mis Blamed: He's been forced to endure some vicious booing for that booking decision in the week(s) directly following Wrestlemania - for a booking decision that wasn't his fault, natch. The whole incident came dangerously close to derailing his title run, but thankfully it's mostly gone after he faced Daniel Bryan at Extreme Rules in a two out of three falls rematch and worked his ass off, keeping up with Bryan in a well received match.
Notably, no one seems to know what to call this move. Sometimes Colewill call it the "Celtic Cross". The next week, it'll be the "High Cross." Before either of those, the move was briefly called "Pale Justice", which arguably might fit better now than either of the first two, given Sheamus' new "Great White" Red Baron and his status as a Face. As of right now, the announcers seem to be settling on "Celtic Cross".
And now, ironically, Sheamus has added to his moveset the finisher that Finlay calls "The Celtic Cross." Only, for Sheamus, it's called "White Noise."
Unfortunate Implications: Sheamus referring to himself as the "great white (shark)" when confronting Scary Black Man Mark Henry. Even better, the nickname stuck and the commentators now refer to him as such.