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  • Disappointing Last Level: Arguably, the last section of Shenmue II in Guilin.
  • Drinking Game: Take a shot every time Ryo says "I see"... On second thought, don't; you're too assured to get alcohol poisoning if you do.
  • Memetic Mutation: Sailors.
  • Narm Charm: The dubbing. Oh my God.
  • Scrappy Level: The final section of the game; After an epic sequence of fighting your way to the top of the Yellow Hand's tower, defeating The Dragon and seeing Lan Di fly off on the rope-ladder of a helicopter. We send the next hour (maybe two) wondering through copy-paste woods.
  • So Bad It's Good: The English dub. Fans of Metal Wolf Chaos or Baten Kaitos will recognize it as pooling from the same small set of native English speaking VAs in Japan.
  • The Untwist: A strange case of a hypothetical untwist... it's foreshadowed to the point of pretty much outright stating it that Lan Di is Xiuying's brother but we'll never find out due to the third (and final?) game being cancelled.
    • Not quite. Lan Di's real name is Longsun Zhao, the son of Sun Ming Zhao (the man allegedly murdered by Ryo's father), while Xiuying's brother is named Ziming Hong. According to one of the unlockable sidecomics in the Xbox version of Shenmue II, along with an unlockable picture, Ziming IS one of four leaders of the Chiyoumen, Lan Di being another.
  1. Unless you're playing on the Wii, in which case the baby monkeys spectating the track are gone because of the console's inferior processors, natch.