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  • In the second episode when Holmes gets to move back into 221B Baker Street. He promptly asked Watson to move in with him cementing that he cared for the Watson Robot.
    • Rewinding the episode a couple of minutes... After his poor treatment of Watson in the first half of the episode, Holmes thinks he's lost him and goes into denial. Then Watson reappears, much to Holmes's joy.
  • When Holmes fakes his death again, Watson is brooding over his loss. When someone enters the room, he thinks initially thinks it's Holmes.
  • "The Fall and Rise of Sherlock Holmes":

 Lestrade: "Do you miss him [Watson]?"

Holmes: "More than I care to admit."

  • "The Deranged Detective" is one big episode of heartwarming with the way that Holmes deals with Lestrade's apparent insanity.
  • In the Christmas Episode, Watson has a present for Holmes... which, unfortunately, we never see opened.