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Kouji Kabuto[]

Juzo Kabuto[]

The Photonic Power Laboratory[]

Professor Yumi[]

Sayaka Yumi[]

The Three Professors[]

The Kurogane House[]

Tsubasa Nishikiori[]





  • BFG: And it can shoot an ice round too!
  • Cargoship: He sure loves big rifles.
  • Cool Car: An old van that detaches the back and dumps out the unwanted 'guests'.
  • Cleanup Crew: Intercepts the 'guests' who have a vendetta against any of the five.
  • Cold Sniper
  • The Smart Guy
  • Squick: Vigorously licking his revolver after taking down a Gamia.


Dr. Hell's Army[]

Dr. Hell[]

  • Amazing Technicolor Population: And no, it is never explained why he turns blue between the expedition and the present.
  • Bad Boss: For a super robot big bad this is pretty much averted. When a subordinate admits to failing or making a mistake he seems to be pretty patient for a while. For a super robot villain. Which this troper would like to point out is completely unlike any other incarnation of Dr. Hell. What, he manages to get through an entire series without berating Ashura? How the hell did that happen?
  • Big Bad
  • Names to Run Away From Really Fast
  • Obviously Evil: To the point that Tsubasa picked up on his plans for world domination early on in the Bardos Expedition.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: Subverted, His idea of saving the world from the Mycenae Empire is to conquer it first and rule it with an iron fist.
    • However, Dr. Hell's acquisition of the Knowledge in Saisei-Hen allowed him to discover the location of the sunken Bardos Island begin plumbing its depths for the secrets of the Mycenae Empire. His goal is ultimately to conquer the world and unite it under his rule, in order to utilize all of mankind's means together to fight the enemy.
  • Villain Team-Up: Works with the Gishin Empire in Super Robot Wars Z 2

Baron Ashura[]

Count Brocken[]

  • Action Bomb: His doppelgangers can self destruct.
  • Dirty Old Man: There's a very funny scene in Scenario 47 of Saisei-Hen. If you attack Count Brocken with a woman, he'll make a comment about opening their (the mecha's) cockpits to see the beauties inside, and suddenly, a lot of ZEXIS girls will start calling him names, like Womanizer, Pervert, Weirdo. Kallen even wanted to treat Brocken's head like a soccer ball. Brocken was surprised at these reactions to his statement.

"I didn't do anything yet!"


Viscount Pygman[]

Kenzo Kabuto[]

  • (can't put anything here because of the Spoiler)



Detective Ankokuji[]

The Narrator[]