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General Information[]

  • There are only three Shin Megami Tensei games that allow the player to begin and end the game as a girl. They are Persona 2: Eternal Punishment, Shin Megami Tensei If..., and the recent PSP remake of Persona 3. Note that only in the first example is being female mandatory.
  • Curious about why Cereberus's design has only one head? This design choice is a tradition that remained from the original novel's depiction.

Persona 3[]

  • One of the items obtainable from vending machines is called "Cielo Mist", a drink made in Jamaica. This is a reference to the character Cielo from Digital Devil Saga, who spoke with a Jamaican accent.
    • Also, the Kirijo company was part of the Nanjo group from the first Persona game, as stated by Mitsuru's father.

Persona 4[]

  • If one is able to avoid killing Namatame, they are able to access a dungeon that must be cleared by December 24th, 2011. This is almost one year to the before the Mayan calendar ends.