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  • Ear Worm - Battle Play, the original Japanese OP, the English theme, and the Japanese BGM.
  • God Mode Sue - Mushra is the reincarnation of an actual galaxial god, and guess what form he returns to at the end of the series? It's even called God Mushra in the original version.
  • Purity Sue - Not so much in the original, but the dub will go on and on about how Yakumo's so loving and the embodiment of love and how her love will illuminate the world, blablabla. We know she's great, people, but *please*...
  • Squick - The Saban dub, particularly towards the end, likes the imply that Yakumo and Mushrambo are destined lovers. Mushrambo is either three people at once : a kid, a teen and a fat anthropomorphic cat merged together, or the guy who wiped out the human race and is three times as old as her toddler self. It kinda helps she looks older than she is, but still... Lessened by two facts: out of the three beings who form Mushrambo, the only one who has actual romantic thoughts on her is the kid, and Yakumo's Character Development eventually leads her to adquire a less child-like mindset. (Heck, Binka describes Yakumo as her mother figure!)
  • The Scrappy - Poor Yakumo seems rather hated by those who met her through the English dub. Also Binka sometimes as well.