Bellisario's Maxim: How else are we expected to believe that parents are not getting their kids out of this school ASAP?
Let's not forget that the owner of the Mega Corp financing the school is said to be perfectly willing and able to destroy the lives of anyone who won't go along with his plans.
Complete Monster: The Corrupt Corporate Executive whose idea it was to create that little social experiment to affirm and impose his hardcore misogynist views on the kids just can't be anything else. He's only doing it because he thinks that's what the shareholders want.
A few of the boys realised just how horrible they are, then again conscious apathetic neglect leading to misogynistic cruelty is honestly just as bad pre-meditated cruelty. In chapter 18, Kawazu has a breakdown and claims that the cruelty is Inherent in the System — the message seems to be that it's not that the school's boys are arbitrarily monsters, but that given them that kind of unchecked authority inevitably led to abuse along the lines of the Stanford Prison Experiment.
It is outright stated numerous times, that anyone who tries to seriously oppose the system will have his life completely and permanently destroyed. That's why Tougyu went insane.
Fan Dumb: Even in a lesbian harem series, readers will automatically interpret "Girls being friendly with boys and forgiving them for what they did" as "OMG romance!!!" Yeah, there was a lot of Fan Dumb after chapter 23 came out.
Also, poor Tsuki seems like she's the new Shiori to some of the fanbase. Onm the other hand, people LOVE to sweep HER shit under the rug and make all kinds of excuses for her because ~omg she's a lesbian~.
Genius Bonus: The code that accompanies the "symbol" on the special weapons is valid Java.
Real Women Never Wear Dresses: Tomoko is a fourteen year old girl in a nightmarish situation... A number of forum goers have decided that she is a useless coward who shouldn't have the privilege of being Sora's slave and deserves whatever happens to her next. Some of those same forum goers have complained about the male characters all being utter bastards. And then there are the reallyscary internet dwellers (thankfully not many) who actually think a school like this is a good idea.
Shocking Swerve: Chapter 22. Tsuki is the Big Bad.What? It doesn't help that the whole thing is presented as a dream of Sora's. Because she fainted from learning that.
Unfortunate Implications: Almost single guy is a sadistic, misogynistic asshole. But is Averted as a number of men are shown to be sympathetic: either being too scared to oppose the system, or cruel only because of peer pressure, or went insane trying to oppose it and losing those they cared about.
The fact that Tsuki got away with pretty much everything she pulled because she's a ~sad lesbian girl~. People raged when even the worst guys were forgiven, but they keep excusing Tsuki's own BS because ~lesbians~.
The Woobie: Reversed. Yuki starts in a state of utter misery where her only comfort is a picture of Sora and Koharu. She becomes one of Sora's most confident allies and goes on to take a beating to protect another student.