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It's sho- oh, nevermind.

Shocker is a horror film directed by Wes Craven which was released in 1989. It has nothing to do with a certain hand gesture, the evil organization from the first Kamen Rider, or the Spider-Man villain.

The film centers around young Jonathan Parker, who starts having Prophetic Dreams of Serial Killer Horace Pinker after he kills most of his foster family. Seeking justice, Jonathan turns to his police officer foster father and convinces him that he can track Pinker through his dreams. With Jonathan's help police are able to capture Pinker, who is sentenced to die in the electric chair. However, before the moment of his execution Pinker makes a Deal with the Devil and becomes one with the electricity after his execution. This gives him the ability to possess the bodies of others, allowing him to continue his killing spree from beyond the grave.

The movie were supposed to launch a new Villain Based Franchise akin to A Nightmare on Elm Street, but low sales ended the plans for further installments.

Tropes used in Shocker include:

 Pinker: "Come on! Give it to me!"

Mouth: "You got it baby."
