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Articles with three or fewer letters in their title can often be difficult or impossible to find. This page lists them.

Mostly these should be work pages; if you're naming a trope, it's probably best to come up with a name that's slightly longer.

Not to be confused with Long Title and Long Titles vs. Short Titles.


  • Eight and A Half - a film
  • Nine - an animated film
  • Nine Dollars Ninety Nine Cents - an animated film
  • Thirteen - a musical
  • Twenty Four - a TV series
  • Three Hundred - a movie
  • ABC - a network
  • AIR - a game
  • ALF - a TV series
  • Ant - a comics series
  • Ash - a band
  • BC - a comic strip
  • BFG - a trope about big guns
  • BFS - a trope about big swords
  • B't X - a manga and anime
  • Big - a film
  • Bug - a film, a video game, or a webcomic
  • Cap - a trope about video game design
  • CBC - a network
  • CBS - a network
  • CMB - a manga
  • CD - a device for storing music or data
  • CMT - a network
  • CNN - a network
  • Cro - an animated series
  • CSI - a TV series
  • CTV - a network
  • D - A trilogy of video games
  • DDG - A Web Comic
  • DP 7 - a comic book
  • DRM - notes about media
  • DVD - a media format
  • E 3 - a game promotional event
  • ECW - a wrestling federation
  • Ed - a TV series
  • EL - A Hentai OVA and Eroge
  • Elf - a film
  • Emo - a subculture and its followers
  • Eon - a tabletop RPG
  • ER - a TV series
  • Fen - fan-speak
  • Fox - a network
  • GBH - a TV series
  • Go - a board game
  • Go - a game show
  • God - a trope about God
  • Gon - a manga
  • Gor - a book series, and also the subculture it spawned
  • Gyo - a manga
  • HBO- a cable network
  • Het - fan-speak
  • Hex - a TV series
  • HUD - a video game interface element
  • ICE - an anime
  • Ico - a game
  • Id - a book and manhwa series
  • If... - a comic strip
  • If - a film
  • Iji - a game
  • Ink - a movie
  • ION - a manga
  • I''s - a manga
  • IT - a Stephen King novel
  • ITV - a network
  • JAG - a TV series
  • Jem - a cartoon
  • Jin - a manga
  • KGB - a game
  • Kim - a novel
  • K-On! - a manga and anime
  • LBC - a network
  • Lo - a film
  • M - a film
  • Mad - a magazine
  • MAR - an anime
  • May - a film
  • MM! - a light novel/manga/anime series
  • MOD - a media format
  • Moe - a trope
  • Mon - a trope
  • MP 3 - a media format
  • Mr. T - an actor
  • MST - a trope
  • MSX - a game/computer system
  • MTV - a cable network
  • MUD - a type of game
  • MW - a manga
  • Mx0 - a manga
  • N - a game
  • N Plus - a game
  • NGO - a trope
  • NMA - a standard disclaimer
  • NME - a magazine
  • NOT! - a trope
  • Nox - a video game
  • NPR - a network
  • N.W.A. - a musical group (not to be confused with the National Wrestling Alliance)
  • N Wo - a wrestling stable
  • O - a Cirque du Soleil show, usually written with quotation marks because of its brevity
  • Oni - a game
  • OT 3 - a trope
  • OXO - a game
  • Oz - a TV series
  • Q.E.D. - a manga series
  • QI - a TV series
  • Qix - a game
  • P2 - a film
  • PC - a disambiguation page
  • Pi - a film
  • Pv P - a webcomic
  • Rad - a film
  • Ran - a film
  • Rap - a music style and a subculture
  • Raw - a TV series
  • REC - a film
  • Red - a film
  • Rio - an animated film
  • Saw - a film
  • SBS - a network
  • SEX - a manga
  • She - a book
  • Sin - a video game
  • SIN - a manga
  • SNK - a video game company
  • S.O.B. - a film
  • SOE - a useful notes page
  • Ten - a manga
  • TNA - a terrible wrestling promotion
  • U2 - a band
  • UHF - a film
  • Uke - a trope about Boys Love
  • Up - a film
  • V - a TV series
  • VCR - a media format player (also redirected from VHS)
  • VH-1 - a cable network
  • VIP - a TV series
  • Viz - a British comic book
  • WCW - a wrestling promotion
  • We - a novel
  • WE 3 - a comic book
  • WET - a game
  • Wii - a game system
  • WWE - a wrestling promotion (if you couldn't tell by now, initialisms are very popular among wrestling promotions)
  • X - a game
  • X - a punk band
  • X 1999 - a manga retitled from X for export
  • Xin - a web animation series
  • XTC - a musical group
  • XXX - a film
  • XXY - a film
  • Yes - a musical group
  • Ys - a game
  • YTV - a network
  • Z - a film
  • Z - a strategy game
  • Zap - a webcomic
  • Zot - a comic book