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The shot for shot remake is a remake that is nearly identical to the original, in almost every way. It'll use most of the same dialogue, have the exact same plot, and change very few things.
See also Setting Update, They Copied It, So It Sucks.
Examples of Shot-for-Shot Remake include:
- Much of Evangelion: 1.0 You Are Not Alone is reanimated shot-for-shot from the original TV series. The most prominent exception is the (much-improved) battle against Ramiel.
- In the 1998 version of The Parent Trap, it's surprising how much of the dialogue was almost exactly the same. It also kept several of the important plot lines from the original (i.e. the camping trip, the grandfather discovering the identity of the two girls, and the recreation of the wedding dinner).
- The American remake of REC, Quarantine, is like this.
- Gus Van Sant's 1998 remake of Psycho is regularly criticized for being too much like the original and, consequently, entirely pointless.
- Alfred Hitchcock did a remake of one of his own movies, The Man Who Knew Too Much, with the main differences being the addition of color and some songs for Doris Day.
- The Hindi remake of Some Like It Hot is nearly identical to the original, though possibly with more gratuitous musical numbers.
- Metro Goldwyn Mayer remade the 1937 film The Prisoner of Zenda in 1952 with Stewart Granger, Deborah Kerr, and James Mason in the Colman, Carroll, and Fairbanks roles. The film was more or less a Technicolor carbon copy of the 1937 film, reusing the same script, score, and even camera angles—the director, Richard Thorpe, actually sat watching the earlier film in an 8mm viewer, and copying from that.
- A partial example: The opening scene in the movie Silent Hill up to Rose passing out in the alleyway is a shot for shot remake of the opening of the game Silent Hill 1 with Rose in Harry's place.
- Funny Games
- The Omen, apart from changing the dates and adding a bit at the beginning wcich included modern signifires of the apocalypse. They can be practically synced into one another as they are word for word the same.
- Let Me In, Hammer Horror's Americanized version of Let the Right One In is virtually identical to the original. The only differences aside from cosmetic changes are actually giving a date, an In Medias Res prologue for about a minute, and removing a scene where the protagonist visits his father's homosexual lover (and removing most of the rest of the overtones).
- The Debt (American, 2011 remake), features an identical plot, the same characters (some names changed). The only significant difference is the pace; the American version features more atmosphere shots, and stretches scenes out more than the original did, and adds a single action scene.
Music Video[]
- When fanvids are "remastered", it usually means this. Usually done by the original vidder, when she obtains superior copies of the source being vidded or superior technology with which to vid (e.g., digital vs. videotape).
- "Weird Al" Yankovic Loves This Trope. On at least two occasions, he even got permission from the original artists to use their sets (Smells Like Nirvana, a parody of Nirvana's Smells Like Teen Spirit, was filmed on the same set, and Fat, a parody of the Michael Jackson song Bad, was filmed on the same set as another parody version of the video from the Moonwalker feature film).
Live-Action TV[]
- Though Power Rangers deviates from Super Sentai most of the time, there are some seasons that are close to the source material. However, Power Rangers Wild Force was criticized for being almost EXACTLY like Hyakujuu Sentai Gaoranger, with many episodes being shot for shot remakes, the only changes being the main Big Bad, and the two crossovers that occurred that season. Power Rangers Samurai, the Western adaptation of Samurai Sentai Shinkenger, appears to be heading in this direction as well.
- Power Rangers Jungle Fury and Power Rangers Mystic Force had some major deviations from the source material, and yet still needed to do some scenes that were exactly like the sentai to fit that portion of the plot - mostly villain scenes, who had some storylines that really were word-for-word adaptations of their counterparts. It is nearly impossible to tell which scenes in Dai Shi's temple are from Jungle Fury and which are from Gekiranger, and the same with the Underworld/Infershia. Some of it is for actor purposes (Dai Shi's actor doesn't look like Rio's at all, but Dai Shi is often doing what Rio did) and some of it is for censorship purposes (Morticon and Branken both execute a Mook who failed, but Morticon does it with one slash where Branken stabs him on the ground and raises him into the air like a freaking meatball.) This may mean extensive recreations of sets, or it may simply mean the PR villains are green-screened into villains' lair shots.
- The pilot of the U.S. version of The Office was an almost exact copy of the U.K. version's pilot. The U.S. Office later Grew the Beard when it deviated from the U.K. original and became its own show.
- And speaking of growing the beard, Star Trek: The Next Generation had a tendency in its early years to copy episodes from the original series. The most blatant example is "The Naked Now", which is virtually identical to "The Naked Time" aside from being Hotter and Sexier and with Wesley Crusher saving the day.
- The pilot of the US version Skins, was a Shot for Shot Remake of the British pilot, almost down to the letter. Needless to say, it didn't get much better after that, and was canceled due to a negative reaction from Moral Guardians and fans of the original.
Video Games[]
- In Halo: Reach, the ending is a very touching remake of the opening scene of Halo: Combat Evolved. The graphics are the only real change, but longtime fans both expecting it and not say that the scene brings back memories of Halo: Combat Evolved. By extension, that game recieved a graphical and musical update in the form of Halo: CE Anniversary.
Western Animation[]
- The 1935 Classic Disney Short "Orphan's Benefit" was remade in 1941, with the same soundtrack and animation but in color and with modernized character designs.
- And aparrently, Disney planned to produce color remakes of other black-and-white cartoons, which unfortunately never got made either due to the Disney animators' strike or the outbreak of World War II. Animation drawings for a scrapped remake of "Mickey's Man Friday" exist.
- "Dough for The Do-Do" was a color remake of the classic black-and-white Looney Tunes short "Porky in Wackyland". Animation and soundtrack are the same, but the backgrounds were redesigned in the style of Salvador Dali. Not an exact shot-for-shot remake, as there are several new or reworked scenes, including the ending.
- A similar example is "Tick Tock Tuckered" (1944), a remake of "Porky's Badtime Story" (1937). The main change was replacing abandoned character Gabby Goat with Daffy Duck.
- Two of Tex Avery's MGM shorts, "Wags to Riches" and "Ventriloquist Cat", were remade for Cinemascope as "Millonaire Droopy" and "Cat's Meow" by using the original animation and reformatting it for widescreen. Tex got screen credit despite having left the studio years earlier.
- Family Guy in-universe example: Carter offers to help Lois if Peter does a shot-for-shot remake of "Liar Liar".
- In 1967, Warner Bros., having re-acquired all the black-and-white Looney Tunes that were distributed by Sunset Films (later Guild Films), had 75 of those cartoons sent to Korea to be redrawn and embellished in color. It was slipshod to say the least; sound synchronisation faltered at times, objects were off-color, the trace jobs were sloppy (it was done on six-field cels as opposed to the normal 10-fields), and some animation was eliminated altogether.
- Bill Hanna and Joe Barbera's 1955 MGM short "Good Will To Men" was a remake of the studio's 1939 cartoon "Peace On Earth." Both films received Oscar nominations.
- Towards the end of their tenure at MGM they also did remakes of some of their Tom and Jerry shorts to make them compatible with Cinemascope. These remakes are done in Limited Animation, unlike the originals.
- The 1942 Popeye short "Me Musical Nephews" was remade in 1950 as "Riot in Rhythm".
- Animaniacs featured a parody of Disney's The Lion King that for some reason actually copied scenes from the song "Circle of Life" at the very beginning of that film. Here are comparisions between the two versions:
- African sunrise
- Birds flying over river
- Zebras and Leafcutter ants
- Approaching herd of elephants
- Mt. Kilimanjaro
- Animals migrating toward Pride Rock
- Pride Rock (Zazu is a generic white bird in Animaniacs version)
- Rafiki/Yakko moving through crowds of animals
- Animals giving way for Rafiki/Yakko
- Rafiki/Yakko climbing Pride Rock
- Mufasa and Sarabi with Simba (portrayed in Animaniacs as tigers)
- Closeup of baby Simba
- Rafiki/Yakko with Simba
- Overhead view of Pride Rock
- Animals below Pride Rock
- Rafiki/Yakko holding up baby Simba
- Sun shining down on Pride Rock
- In the Slappy Squirrel short "Bumbie's Mom, while not exactly shot-for-shot, the animation of Bumper the rabbit giggling and falling over looks like it was copied directly from animation of Thumper.