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  • Adaptation Displacement: Raise your hand if you knew before the credits that it was based off a novel.
  • Fridge Logic: An in-movie example, followed by an example of Fridge Brilliance: "Wait... why wasn't I injured in the accident?" "Because you were wearing your seatbelt."
  • Genius Bonus: An incredibly ironic joke in the film's final minutes. Miles, in the throes of depression, opens his prized vintage wine, a 1961 Chateau Cheval Blanc. It's made from Cabernet Franc and Merlot, two grapes Miles had verbally trashed during the film.
    • Frass Canyon, the vineyard Miles trashes and where he gets the news that his book had been rejected, is this plus Meaningful Name: the word "frass" means insect waste material.
  • Squick: Miles drinking from the spit bucket at Frass Canyon.