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  • Directors:
    • Ben Sharpsteen: Directed three shorts in the series: "The Cookie Carnival", "Cock o' the Walk", and "Broken Toys".
    • Burt Gillett: Directorial debut on the series was "Cannibal Capers", last short was "Moth and the Flame". Directed 16 Symphonies.
    • David Hand: First directorial effort on the series was "Birds in the Spring", last Symphony was "Little Hiawatha". He directed 11 shorts by himself, and co-directed one of them, "More Kittens", with Wilfred Jackson.
    • Dick Rickard: Sole directorial effort on this series was "The Practical Pig".
    • Graham Heid: Sole directorial effort on this series was "Wynken, Blynken and Nod".
    • Jack Cutting: Directed "Farmyard Symphony" and the 1939 remake of "The Ugly Duckling".
    • Rudolf Ising: Directed one short in the series, "Merbabies", which was outsourced to his studio by Disney in exchange for inkers and painters to help Disney complete Snow White. He co-directed the short with Vernon Stallings.
    • Ub Iwerks: Directed "Springtime", "Hell's Bells", "Summer", and "Autumn".
    • Vernon Stallings: Sole effort on the series was co-directing "Merbabies" with Rudolf Ising.
    • Walt Disney: Directed "The Skeleton Dance" "Terrible Toreador", "The Merry Dwarfs", "Night", and "The Golden Touch".
    • Wilfred Jackson: Directorial debut on the series was "Midnight in a Toy Shop", he directed 29 Symphonies on his own, and co-directed one of them with, "More Kittens", with David Hand. His last Symphony was "Mother Goose Goes Hollywood". Due to his musical talents, he was the most prolific director on the series.
  • Hey, It's That Voice!: Tillie Tiger, the love interest in Elmer Elephant (1936), was voiced by Bernice Hansen. Who is also known as the voice of some of the female Looney Tunes: Cookie (the love interest of Buddy), Little Kitty (love interest of Beans the Cat), and Petunia Pig (love interest of Porky Pig).