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  • Nightmare Fuel: The witch in "Babes in the Wood" has a potion that can turn living things to stone. What is it made of?!
  • Creator Backlash: Walt Disney loathed how "The Golden Touch" turned out, so much that he never directed another short again, stepping aside to become a producer full time.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: "The Karioka" from "Cock o' the Walk".
  • Ear Worm: ALL of the musical numbers from "The Cookie Carnival", especially the parade song.
  • Esoteric Happy Ending: "The Pied Piper" has the children taken away from their parents to live happily, FOREVER.
  • Sequelitis: "Three Little Pigs" inspired three continuations, but no one reached the popularity levels accomplished by the original. Walt's quote on the matter opens the trope's page.
  • Sweet Dreams Fuel: "The Night Before Christmas", and "Wynken, Blynken and Nod" are full of this.
  • Values Dissonance: Cannibal Capers, which features shamelessly exaggerated caricatures of stereotypical african natives, is very unpleasant to watch today.
  • Visual Effects of Awesome: Hand-drawn 3D opening in "Egyptian Melodies". Impressive, not to be missed by anyone who loves well-crafted animation.
  • What Could Have Been: "Don Donald" and "Ferdinand The Bull" were initially planned as Silly Symphonies.