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  • Alternate Character Interpretation
    • ( After seeing the full ending, serveral people have suggested that Kachi/Achi was only pretending to have lost her memory.)
    • Although it could be said that it's not just an alternative interpretation, since her tone when she reveals her identity suggests that she was faking all along.
    • But that's something along the lines of Dub Text as the tone change isn't present in the original Japanese recording.
    • The backstory as explained in the European website further suggests that her amnesia was genuine. Her realizing that she has no memories is given in 3rd-person omniscient narrator form, and happens before she meets Isa.
    • With Kachi's reveal, it's possible that the Nebulox are actually the good guys. Even though they are brutal, they were genuinely trying to protect their home from an extremely dangerous enemy who caused countless deaths and much damage.
    • They were willing to destroy the entire planet just to kill Isa and Kachi. Now, who was it that tried that tactic in the first game?
    • However, it could be that Achi/Kachi had the right idea in the first place. She could have been trying to free humanity from the creators, because they were brutal. Every time humanity tried to use diplomacy, they were wiped out. The creators just wanted war.
  • Big Lipped Alligator Moment
    • (The second Nebulox fought has the power to transform into a variety of giant monstrosities. The third and final form he takes is... a school of dolphins.
    • His forms are themed after the evolution of life in the seas, so going from protozoa to seahorse to dolphin would be the logical progression.
    • Not to mention another moment in the sequel, in which you kill a massive boss only to see it spit a newborn baby version of itself out of its mouth. This newborn instantaneously seizes control of a crane, grabs your partner, and then attempts to submerge them in lava. You free your partner and then dispose of the little twerp. Why did it do this? How? What...never mind. It was just goofy.
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome (There's quite a few, including the player blasting the first Nebulox to their partner, who finishes them with a kick or slash, punching out Deko in hand-to-hand combat, Isa's transformation, and Isa vowing to defend Kachi's heart for the very final part.
  • Crowning Moment of Funny (Stage 6, two words: Cow Launching).
    • The second Nebulox's third form.
    • Due mainly to Narm, the now infamous "MY BLOOD--IS ON FIIIIYYYY-EEEERRRRR!!!!"
  • Crowning Music of Awesome (Stage 3.)
    • The Stage 7 fight against Hibaru.
    • The very final part of the ending battle (protecting Kachi's soul).
    • Also, the music for the first part of the final boss battle.
    • The system menu music.
  • Narm
    • (The character models and voice acting are good sources of this.
    • The scene in Stage 2 where Kachi asks Isa what "human" means. Dear god...

 [Isa confirms for Kachi that humans have a head, two arms, two legs etc.]

Kachi: Oh, and a tail.

Isa: Sure.

{{[strike|Beat}} Awkward silence]

Isa: We don't have tails! [Both laugh.]

    • Stage 4, just about anything Ariana Shami says, especially "My on FAH-YUUUUUUUUUUUUR!"
  • Narm Charm (There are those who like the blood on fire line.)
  • Nightmare Fuel (The battle with the Infant Keeper in Stage 6, where your partner is being lowered by a crane into slowly-rising lava and you have to raise a pair of platforms to keep up with the lava while occasionally stunning the Infant Keeper to force him to knock your partner back up. If you fail to keep up, your partner is SHOWN BEING DUMPED INTO THE LAVA, resulting in a Game Over.)
  • That One Boss
    • (Hard to pick just one, but the final boss on Hard mode is a fair contender.)
    • And the final phase...essentially a harder version of the first game's final battle.
    • That freaking annoying... THING that spawns leeches at you.
    • That's the Swamp Keeper, who's the final mid boss of Stage 4 (Or the second to last mini boss if you're playing the Japanese version).
    • The rescue mission involving the Hatchling Keeper. Doesn't help that it's also Nightmare Fuel.