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Skid row

Skid Row is an American Heavy Metal band formed in 1987. Because of their image, they're often associated with glam rock, but eventually were seen in a more traditional sense of Heavy Metal/Hair Metal. First formed in New Jersey, the band got introduced to a producer by their friend Jon Bon Jovi and were an instant success. The band's first album went platinum five times, and as of the end of 1996 the band has sold 20 million albums worldwide.

Their most popular songs, "18 and Life", "I Remember You" and "Youth Gone Wild", come from their first album. Their second album, Slave To The Grind, was considerably heavier and less mainstream than their first album, with several songs that could even be considered Thrash Metal.


  • Skid Row - 1989
  • Slave To The Grind - 1991
  • B-Side Ourselves - 1992 (EP)
  • Subhuman Race - 1995
  • Thickskin - 2003
  • Revolutions Per Minute -2006

Tropes related to the band:[]