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- Face of the Band: John. May also qualify as I Am the Band due to the fact that he's the only founding member left.
- Fan Community Nicknames: Panheads
- Fanon Discontinuity: Some fans only like their self-titled album, some like the recent radio friendly albums, and others like everything in between.
- Growing the Beard: Comatose
- Nightmare Fuel: "Monster".
- The way the words FEEL LIKE A MONSTER are practically growled near the end of the song can really catch you off guard. Say you're just sitting there, casually listening to the song for the first time in a month, and suddenly: I must confess that I FEEL LIKE A MONSTER.
- "Fingernails". Unusual brutality and depressing lyric makes this song very dark and disturbing. Moreover, it was inspired by The Ring. Yup, really.
- The end of "Rise": Patti Nielson's Real Life 911 call from the Columbine High School massacre:
- End of "Good To Be Alive"/Beginning of "Not Gonna Die". Especially in the first case, because of how optimistic this music was:
- Playing with Fire: Go to a Skillet concert in an arena or anywhere else with a decent amount of space, and you will find that they love their pyrotechnics. Very often, their songs are punctuated by fifty-foot columns of flame shooting out of the stage.
- Holy Shit Quotient: Large portions of a crowd have been known to audibly gasp at the first instance of pyro. The "fifty-foot columns of flame" thing isn't much of an exaggeration, and it can be pretty frightening the first couple of times if you don't know it's coming. Not to mention that the flames are, well, hot, and can be felt at a distance when they're really cranked up.