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This section is for the Woody Allen film Sleeper:[]

  • When Woody Allen and a guard fight with enormous-sized food including a gigantic banana, and a super-sized strawberry.
    • Not to mention slipping on the gigantic banana peel!
  • A gay couple give Allen a balloon suit to escape in, but it gets a hole popped into it, sending him speeding across a swamp!
  • The cops and their weapon to catch the hero just keeps failing!
    • First, the weapon blows up, later, it's the plunger that blows up. And finally, the cops' transport van explodes!

This section is for the Wildstorm comic book Sleeper.[]

  • Out of nowhere during a very tense interrogation scene after Holden has been captured by IO:

 Marc Slayton: You wanna hear a funny story, Carver?

Holden Carver: Sure, but it better be really funny.

Marc Slayton: So, it’s like this… I’ve got two different women telling me the same thing. Any idea why that’s the case?

Holden Carver: I’d say it really is too small.



 Midnighter:Just make sure you kill TAO when you get the chance. He’s giving us test-tube babies a bad name… And that’s my job.



 Grifter (to Jack Hawksmoor): As much evil as The Authority’s taken down, and for some reason you leave the fucking internet alone. What’s up with that?

Hawksmoor: What can I say? I’m addicted to the message boards.
