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Slyphorama is a parody webcomic of an original manga series by the same name that as of yet has no chapters released. Also has some strips based on other series as well.
The comic is created, written and managed by User:Slyphoria, who is also the main contributor of this page.
Slyphorama contains examples of:[]
- Alt Text: Every strip.
- Amazing Technicolor Wildlife: Slip, he's a bright blue penguin.
- Ambiguously Brown: Katri.
- Anime Hair: Sly, Stepphie and Katri have this, Word of Rex is that classical RPG slime goo is used as incredibly strong hair gel.
- Animesque
- Art Evolution: It evolves with every strip.
- Author Avatar: Rex, a squid with glasses!
- Blank White Eyes: They're used both for surprise, and as Slip's normal eye style.
- Body Paint: The red lines on Sly's face is paint.
- Butt Monkey: Stab.
- Catgirl: Katri's one.
- Everything's Better with Penguins: Slip.
- Expressive Hair: Sly's ahoge is in the shape of a heart in the Valentine's strip.
- Eyes of Gold: Katri.
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: Stab and Slip both have scars that they got before joining the team. Neither has been explained yet, but the author says they will in the manga.
- Hair Decorations: Stepphie has a large bow and hair bobbles, and Katri has hair clips.
- Helicopter Hair: Katri's hair does this in the Katri Kopter strip. With a Beyblade rip cord, no less!
- Idiot Hair: Sly's ahoge, it's expressive too.
- Innocent Blue Eyes: Stepphie.
- Luminescent Blush
- Multicolored Hair: Stab, his hair is mostly red, but with a large, naturally orange bang.
- Nonuniform Uniform: Word of Rex has confirmed that Stepphie's uniform is this, in comparison to the rest of her school.
- Opaque Lenses: Rex's glasses are this, however occasionally emotes can go through, such as his ^_^ eyes in the Valentine's strip.
- Purple Eyes: Stab.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Averted, Sly has red eyes and is a good guy.
- Significant Reference Date: Look at comic -1. Note the date. Convert the hours to days. ????. Profit.
- Super-Deformed: Occasionally.
- Sweat Drop: Occasionally.
- Technicolor Eyes: Stepphie has pink eyes.
- Word of God: The site has an entire page dedicated to this, Word of Rex.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Sly has blue, Stepphie has a lighter blue, and Katri has purple.