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The series Smashtasm has a small cast of quirky and fun characters. It includes:
The hero of Smashtasm. In season one, he was a new player in Melee, but in season two, his skills improved and is now an admin in Brawl.
Tropes Associated with Super64:
- Accidental Hero
- For Halloween I Am Going as Myself
- Naive Newcomer
- The Messiah: Saved Melee from Greg
- Only Sane Man The cast becomes more eccentric as time goes on, with Super64 the only one to say something.
- It's likely that he's losing it as of season 2, especially in episode 4 of that season.
The sidekick. Known as a playful hacker, he only speaks Leet and broken English. His English improves dramatically in season 2.
Tropes Associated with 1337Fox:
A player that thinks he really is Link of The Legend of Zelda.
Tropes Associated with Link:
- Heroic Wannabe
- The Chosen One: Not really, but he believes himself to be "The Hero of Time," epithet of the most famous Link.
A female Ganondorf player who is a professional (She's certified!).
She will not return in season 2.
Tropes Associated with Blakberri:
- Cross-Dressing Voices: Plays as Ganondorf, but is female.
- Lightning Bruiser: When she pummels Link offscreen, much of the hits come in pretty fast.
- Offscreen Moment of Awesome: While you can see her do some pretty nifty moves, most of her fight scenes are more or less offscreen.
A Scottish player who is very arrogant in his abilities, and sees wireframes everywhere due to the infamous Sonic and Tails prank.
Will not return in season 2.
Tropes Associated with Princerok:
- Berserk Button: A more subdued example-- "Did you just call me Irish?"
A presumably young player who sees himself as a pimp.
Will not return in season 2, because people complain that the actor is a "Poser", when that was the entire point, along with Shippiddge finding his voice actor annoying.
Tropes Associated with Pimpachu:
- Berserk Button: Never call him a poser, or he will tell Lamp to destroy your confidence.
- The Scrappy: Fans do not like this character due to his aforementioned "Poser" status.
- Take That Scrappy: Mewzero tells him to shut up, possibly reflecting the fan reaction.
Lamp is a very, very strange player who doesn't seem that smart. He's very good at distracting, but that didn't help Super64 escape from his cage.
Tropes Associated with Lamp:
- Ascended Extra: He plays a minor role in season 1, but gets a more major role in season 2, possibly because the fans wanted him in season 2.
- Cloudcuckoolander: He is just that strange.
- Ensemble Darkhorse: His random behavior has earned a spot in the hearts of fans everywhere.
A sensei stereotype that teaches Super64 how to hack.
Tropes Associated with Mewzero/Luzerio:
- Ambiguously Gay: In the crossover Beans, he implies he may be gay.
An apparent bounty hunter that had a change of heart and is now helping Super64 (As of recent videos).
Tropes Associated with PrincessH:
- Ax Crazy: Implied several times. Also it can be heard from someone in episode 4 that she's killing him.
- Chaotic Good
- Heel Face Turn
- Split Personality: Implied when she mentions one side of her brain telling her to do something violent.
The main antagonist of season 1, he is a Cracker.
Tropes Associated with Greg:
- Big Bad: Of Season 1.
- The Cracker: He wants to take over Melee with hacks.
- Serious Business: According to a Smashtasm Wiki, he apparently died because he couldn't hack or find a way to play Brawl.
A noob like Super64, but increases his rank by cheapshotting other players.
Tropes Associated with Killa7:
- Disc One Final Boss
- The Dragon: To Greg.
A fan of Greg and leader of the Gear Hack Force, he aspires to take over Brawl.
Tropes Associated with Girem6:
- Ascended Fanboy: He leads his own team of hackers, Greg was only one hacker by himself and Killa7; Greg would be proud...if he could find a way to play Brawl.
- Big Bad: Of Season 2.
- Significant Anagram: His screenname. In leetspeak, it's an anagram of 'I'm Greg', the 6 being the second G.
A loyal servant to Girem6.
Tropes Associated with Grant:
- Ambiguously Gay: He denies it vehemently, despite the fact that he was flirting with people in an all guys server.
- Harmless Villain: How much? When Grant and Gront were supposed to be guarding a piece of a detonation bomb that could defeat Girem6, they were busy singing!
- Have I Mentioned I Am Heterosexual Today?: "Dammit Gront, we are not gay!!"
- Ho Yay: With Gront, much to Grant's ire.
- Those Two Bad Guys: with Gront.
A servant to Girem6, but seems more foolish.
Tropes Associated with Gront:
- Harmless Villain: See Grant's entry above.
- Ho Yay: With Grant, much to Grant's ire.
- Those Two Bad Guys: with Grant.
Minor Characters
King Kirb[]
A giant Kirby player who has Kirby Cousins, his mooks.
Tropes Associated with KingKirb:
- Berserk Button: Never hurt his cousins. EVER.
- Large Ham: He acts like he's a real king even though it's just a game.
- Weaksauce Weakness: Not exactly a weakness, but you can stop him from attacking you if you manage to take off his crown.
The Narrator[]
Not a player, he is "A generic voice that helps move the plot along for your own convinience".
Tropes Associated with The Narrator:
- Interactive Narrator: Not usually, but he does get in an argument with PrincessH after her official introduction. Super64 has no idea who she's arguing with.
- Large Ham