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Snow Dreams is a Total Drama fanfic written by Nyhlus.

Set in an alternate universe where the Ridonculous Race cast attends a snowboarding contest at a ski resort, the story follows a series of Plot Threads involving Junior, Noah, and MacArthur.

Junior's story involves him trying to impress the other snowboarders at the competition (especially Carrie) and later sneaking out to go to attend an after-competition party with them. Meanwhile, Noah, who keeps getting dragged into stuff by his pal, Owen, just wants to have some alone time while he and Owen are vacationing at the resort. However, that changes when he meets Emma, who was forced by her parents to take her little sister, Kitty, to the snowboarding competition. Finally, MacArthur's story has her trying to avoid interacting with Brody after she sleeps with him while she's drunk.

The first chapter was posted on November 7, 2015 and the fic was updated sporadically, with the final chapter being posted on June 2, 2018. You can read the fic here.

Tropes used in Snow Dreams include:
  • Accidental Hand Hold: A variation; while watching Kitty perform in the snowboard competition in Chapter 3, Emma unknowingly grabs Noah's hand in addition to grabbing the rail out of nervousness.
  • Adaptational Heroism: Downplayed with Jacques and Joseé. They're not exactly heroic per se, but they're much nicer here compared to The Ridonculous Race.
  • Age Lift:
    • Downplayed with Junior, who is either twelve or thirteen in the show, but is fourteen here.
    • Noah, Owen, and Geoff are all nineteen in The Ridonculous Race, but they're somewhere in their early-to-mid-twenties here.
  • The Alcoholic: Owen is depicted as one in this fic.
  • Amazingly Embarrassing Parents: Much like in canon, Dwayne often says or does something that embarrasses Junior.
  • Bar Brawl: MacArthur mentions that the lack of these, along with the lack of parties and other drunk antics, makes her job as a security guard boring.
  • The Bartender: Ryan is the resort's bartender.
  • The Big Damn Kiss: After several chapters of getting to know each other more, Noah and Emma finally kiss during Chapter 9.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Chet and Lorenzo act fairly friendly with Junior when they first meet him, but they later belittle him and downplay his accomplishment of placing eighth in the guys' competition. Luckily, Carrie gets them to stop.
  • Dissimile: Owen tries to compare ski resorts to Las Vegas in Chapter 4.

They're like a mini-Vegas, except colder and without gambling.

  • The Drag Along: Initially, Noah and Emma just want to spend some time alone (in Emma's case, it's so she can study for law school), but Owen and Emma's parents prevented them from doing that[1]. Subverted later on when Noah decides to ask Emma out for a date at the bar after he gets to know her better, to which she agrees.
  • Just a Kid: Junior fears this is what the other contestants will think of him if he doesn't attend the party.
  • Love Hurts: Junior is devastated when he learns Carrie and Devin are together and watches them kiss.
  • Precocious Crush: Just like in canon, Junior has a crush on Carrie. Unfortunately for him, Carrie is already dating Devin.
  • Three Lines, No Waiting: As mentioned above, Junior, Noah, and MacArthur all have separate story lines throughout the fic, and they all blend together seamlessly.
  • Wild Teen Party: Well, calling the post-competition party a "teen" party is a bit of a stretch as almost all of the characters except Junior are adults, but still.
  • You Are Grounded: Dwayne tells Junior he's grounded for a week for sneaking out to attend the party. But he does say that he won't tell Junior's mother about it.
  1. Owen was trying to encourage Noah to step outside of his comfort zone, while Emma had to take Kitty to the snowboarding competition because their parents were too busy to take Kitty themselves.