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Fridge Brilliance[]
- Why was Snow White so unsurprised about being woken from the dead and being led off by the prince? Because the last thing she had done was to take a bite out of what she thought was a "wishing apple", and her wish was that they be reunited.
- Oh, and Grumpy likes her.
- Take a look at the Queen's throne. It's shaped like a peacock, a symbol of vanity.
- You know, when Snow White thought a bunch of children lived in the house, she wasn't too far off.
- This is probably unintentional, but... The Queen in disguise is Satan/The Snake, and Snow White is Eve. Think about it.
- Grumpy is very superstitious and paranoid, claiming he knows theres trouble a-brewin' because his corns hurt and accusing a simmering pot over a fire of being witch's brew. Its portrayed as just being a comical quirk in his character that makes him slowest to trust Snow White and thus giving him the potential for Character Development. Fridge Brilliance kicks in when you realize that his ramblings and worries are completely justified as they live in a world with witches and magic mirrors and all sorts of other wacky shit.
- When Snow White at first thinks that the house is occupied by messy children and realizes that they might have no mother, her face becomes surprisingly sad. No wonder: the poor girl had already lost her biological mother and her stepmother wanted to kill her!
Fridge Horror[]
- Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs: After the queen transforms, she goes to a secret underground boat, passing a forgotten cell where a skeleton lies with arm outstretched to an empty water pitcher. The queen mockingly asks the skeleton, "Thirsty?" and kicks the pitcher so that it scatters the bones. Was this the previous "fairest one of all"? Or was it the poor Huntsman?
- Actually, in an abandoned plot line, it was mentioned the Queen often forced men to marry her so she could get their kingdoms. The skeleton is implied to be a man who refused her. And yes, she tries to force Snow White's prince to marry her too.
- Abandoned plot line or not, that scene creeped me out the most when I saw the movie at age seven, with the vulture scene alluded to below as a close second.
- Also, as a little kid, you don't comprehend what the vultures are thinking or doing when the Queen falls of the cliff. Now watch the movie again as a teenager or an adult.
- You lot may think the skeleton was either the huntsman or a lover; however I always assumed it was the dethroned king (ie, her own husband) that she betrayed and imprisoned. I have no idea why I thought this.
- Whoever was in there, it's a good source of Nightmare Fuel, considering that the water pitcher was right in front of him, centimeters away, out of reach.
- Actually, in an abandoned plot line, it was mentioned the Queen often forced men to marry her so she could get their kingdoms. The skeleton is implied to be a man who refused her. And yes, she tries to force Snow White's prince to marry her too.
Fridge Logic[]
- What on earth would those Dwarfs need with all of those diamonds?! They live way up in the mountains, far, far away from where they could make any use of the stuff!
- Incidentally, one Wartime Cartoon (obviously not canon) had them use the diamonds to buy War Bonds. No, really.
- Perhaps they just liked to use mining as a pasttime. That would explain why the lock the gems in a shed and leave the key right next to the door.
- They're waiting for an elven caravan...
- This is a diamond table. All craftsdwarfship is of the finest quality. It is decorated with hanging rings of diamond and menaces with spikes of diamond. On the table is an image of a witch in diamond. The witch is in a fetal position. The artwork relates to the striking by lightning, falling off a cliff and being crushed under a boulder of the witch in Lampthrown in 1273. On the table is an image of clouds in human bone.
- They say in the song, "But we don't know what we dig them for." They toil endlessly with no purpose in their lives, never stopping to question their fates.
- The line "But we don't know what we dig them for", along with "It ain't no trick to get rich quick" hints at the typical dwarven greed and industriousness: they work for the sake of working underground and for reveling in their hoard of treasure.
- Consider the year that this film was made, which was 1937. The Great Depression was still going on then, and even though the U.S.A. was recovering, a recession occurred in that year. At that time, people actually wanted to work (Values Dissonance), but were unable to, due to the unavailability of jobs (Does This Remind You of Anything?). In fact, jobs had to be created, which arguably didn't have much purpose other than to give those workers something to do. Real Life Writes the Plot in this case, where the Dwarfs work in mining to give them something to do, even though they know that it doesn't serve much of a purpose beyond that!
- The Queen's plan to kill Snow White was doomed to fail either way, even without the intervention of the dwarves. First of all, the Sleeping Death isn't a real death; Snowy's still alive. So, even if the Queen's plan succeeded and the Dwarves buried Snow White alive, she'd STILL be the fairest in the land...just, in a box underground. Suffocation? Seemingly not an issue, since she "sleeps" in that glass coffin in the woods for months and turns out just fine.
- Bit of Fridge Brilliance there. The Queen asks the mirror "Who is the fairest in the land?" Since she expected Snow White to have a normal burial, she'd be under the land, not in it.
- Or would Snow white be in the land, while the queen was just on it?
- Bit of Fridge Brilliance there. The Queen asks the mirror "Who is the fairest in the land?" Since she expected Snow White to have a normal burial, she'd be under the land, not in it.
- Why did the Queen bother to put Snow White in suspended animation when she could have actually killed her?
- Death might be too nice for someone that's pissed her off that much. Buried Alive was just the handiest Fate Worse Than Death that she could think of.
- Maybe she had hemophobia, so she tried to kill Snow White bloodlessly (or make someone else kill her)
- Snow White, you DO know that when you are a princess and someone is after you and would do anything to find you, that it's really stupid to give someone your real name/let them know your true identity, RIGHT? I mean, someone tried to KILL you; and not just ANY someone, but someone hired by the QUEEN. Why on EARTH would you tell the Dwarves your name and confirm that you are the PRINCESS? You don't know those dwarves at all; for all you know, they would want to turn you in to the Queen if they knew who you are. The Queen is THE QUEEN. If she put a bounty on your head, she could pay well. She's got the money. You're lucky as HELL that the dwarves (with the exception of Grumpy) had no interest in throwing you out, because if Grumpy got his way, you'd be SOL. You'd be out on your own, with the Queen's assassin--and god knows who else--after you, with not one but SEVEN people who know where you are and who would probably be able to point the Queen's men in your direction.
- Fridge Brilliance - This didn't occur to her because she's a naive, trusting, 14-year-old girl!
- Someone on YouTube pointed out that Queen Grimhilde was able to create a potion that turned her into an ugly, old hag. This person points out that if the Queen can do this, then surely she could make a potion that would truly make her the fairest one of all! Of course, this would fall under the category of Just Eat Gilligan.
- Wouldn't Snow White STILL be the fairest if the Queen used a potion to become more beautiful, because unlike the Queen she's beautiful INSIDE and out?
- But before Snow White grew up the Mirror called the Queen the fairest of them all. What, was there no woman in the world who'd happen to be beautiful in appearance, and to be better inside then a witch who is ready to kill a child just because said child is prettier then her?
- Maybe the potion wasn't able to turn her into anything she wants, but only age her for a time. Maybe she only can brew potions that make her look like herself, but in different periods of time. But whatever age she looks, Snow White would still be prettier than her.
- If the Queen wants to be the most beautiful in the 'land', why does she turn herself into an old hag? Did she plan on... turning back?