Never: I called in sick. |
SoDamnBright is a Slice of Life webcomic created by Erich Perry. It is still in its early stages, (not unlike this page) but is notable for its interesting (and quickly evolving) art style.
It follows the lives of Never and his roommate Anxiety, as well as friends Jill and Flikker.
Needs a Better Description, and also more examples. Hint.
This comic provides examples of:[]
- Art Evolution
- Crowning Moment of Funny: "The Bro Code applies to bros who are chicks."
- Perky Goth: Anxiety.
- Mundane Fantastic: Flikker is a fairy. As in, she has butterfly wings growing out of her back. Not only does no one seem to find anything unusual about this, fifties educational films mention fairies, and on a dating site whether you're looking for fairies, humans, or whichever is the next question asked after sexual preference.
- Neat Freak: Never, a bit.
- Only Known by Their Nickname: Anxiety's name is actually Ana Cortez, but "only relatives are allowed to call [her] that."
- Only One Name: Never, on the other hand, is simply Never. He even has a "House Rules" sign that states "No asking about Never's birth name," on penalty of being kicked with a comically large boot.
- The Rant: Mostly for announcing hints as to the events of the next comic and sharing bits of random art.
- Shipper on Deck: Starr seems to ship Never/Anxiety.
- Something Completely Different: Anubis and Me