Soft Desire originally began as a David Lynch-inspired screenplay written by Isaac M. Baranoff, who soon found that what he had written was too expensive to film. After founding Mystic Studios Productions, and creating Horndog, Baranoff decided to visualize the script for Soft Desire by adapting it as a graphic novel, using an avant-garde visual style influenced by Frank Miller's Sin City.
Is essentially Vaporware.
Tropes used in Soft Desire include:
- Anti-Hero
- Author Appeal: The author's love of big boobies and butts.
- Badass
- Badass Longcoat
- Black Comedy
- Shout-Out: An entire page of Soft Desire features poses directly taken from Omaha the Cat Dancer.
- There Is No Kill Like Overkill: The opening sequence of the first issue provides an example of this.
- Underground Comics
- World of Badass