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Solar Winds I and Solar Winds II are top down, space-based action games released in 1993.

In Solar Winds, Jake Stone a bounty hunter goes through several missions and uncovers a secret coalition between the government of his home solar system and a race of unidentified aliens. Upon further investigation, he finds out that, in fact, there is more than one solar system involved. And what is really happening is that three easily-provoked races are being held by a more technologically advanced race in a small cluster of solar systems, and kept there by a force field around them. Hyperdrive technology has been sabotaged, and the 'keys', jump points between solar systems, kept secret.

In the second game, Solar Winds II, Jake Stone, again is trapped in a galaxy. Seven systems have been set up by members of the same race that rescued him and each system contains a species. They are monitored and pushed and prodded, and through a series of jobs that take you from one system to another you are contacted by the same resistors that rescued Jake previously. They help smuggle him outside of the barriers in order to destroy the controller and free all the captive races.

Needs Wiki Magic Love.

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