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Gates appeared in the world 10 years ago that connects the real world to one filled with monsters. At the same time, people awaken powers in order to hunt these monsters called Hunters. All Hunters are ranked by letter and the lowest is E. Sung Jin-Woo is an E-Rank Hunter and known as the "World's Weakest" while showing no skills; he barely earns money while fighting in low-level dungeons. That is until he comes across a hidden dungeon within a D-rank dungeon. After a near-death experience, he sees a screen in front as a quest log, telling him to train and get stronger.

Examples of Tropes from Solo Leveling:
  • Differently Powered Individuals: Hunters are people who possess magical powers and comes with class while ranked by letters. The classes Hunters are separated into is Fighter, Healer, Mage, and Assassin. The rankings of S-E are based on how much magic power emitted by the Hunter; measured by the Hunter Association. There is an unofficial 7th rank called National, with powers beyond that of S-Rank.