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In a party-based game or even multi-unit strategy game, a level or mission in which the player controls only one character - often the main hero on a solo escapade. Many RPGs will start in this mode before the hero meets other party members, so starting sequences don't count - but all further "one person left alone" sequences do. Doesn't count if the rest of the team isn't player-controlled but is AI-controlled and helps the player automatically, the character has to be really alone. Single duel-type fights have their own tropes, this is about a whole longer level to be completed with a single character.

Might be because the hero performed a Sneaky Departure, maybe This Is Something He's Got to Do Himself or In the End You Are on Your Own, might be as a result of the whole team being scattered across the world or even dying as a scenario requirement, might be a side character completing a quest/mission of their own.

Might lead to a Duel Boss (though just a solo fight, without a solo lead-in, wouldn't qualify for this trope).

See Solo Character Run when it's the player that decides to play with only a single character, for the added challenge.
