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Basic Trope: A character freaks out because someone doesn't like them.
- Straight: When Alice discovers that Bob dislikes her, she goes crazy trying to figure out why.
- Exaggerated: Alice is almost universally-beloved; however, when she finds out that Bob once said something bad about her, she has a mental breakdown.
- Justified: Alice doesn't like when people dislike her; she tries to please people.
- Inverted: Alice is the biggest Jerkass imaginable. When she learns that Bob respects her and values her friendship, she wonders why. (Somebody Doesn't Hate Chris?)
- Subverted: Bob was in a bad mood when he said he didn't like her.
- When Alice learns that Bob dislikes her, she shrugs it off.
- Double Subverted: At least, that's what he claims...
- ...Until her friends walk away, when she starts obsessing over the fact that someone doesn't like her.
- Parodied: Alice is a Complete Monster, but she still freaks out when she hears that somebody doesn't like her.
- Deconstructed: Alice's obsession with pleasing people who dislike her takes a toll when she focuses so much on Bob that she starts to ignore the people who already liked her. This causes her to lose all of her friends.
- Reconstructed: After a while, Alice realizes that she can't please everyone and stops trying to make Bob happy.
- Zig Zagged: Bob is sometimes rude to Alice and sometimes nice to her. Alice alternates between obsessing over his dislike and not caring.
- Averted: When Alice learns that Bob dislikes her, she doesn't care.
- Enforced: "We can't make Alice too perfect, or she won't be relatable. Why not have one character who doesn't like her?"
- Lampshaded: "How could anyone hate me?"
- Invoked: Bob wants Alice to pay him some attention, but everyone fawns over her so it's hard to stand out. He decides to pretend not to like her, hoping this trope will come into effect.
- Exploited: Bob genuinely dislikes Alice, but when he sees that she's so desperate to please him he doesn't mind getting a few favours out of her while it lasts.
- Defied: "He doesn't like me? ...what, you think I'm going to obsess over that? I have plenty of friends."
- Discussed: "Wow, everyone loves Alice, don't they?" "Ah, somewhere there's got to be someone who hates her guts, and when she finds out it's all gonna kick off..."
- Conversed: "Huh, you'd think Alice would take that in stride."
- Played For Laughs: Everyone hates Alice, but she takes the news that Bob dislikes her as a personal assault.
- Played For Drama: Alice has a crippling personality disorder that won't allow her to accept the fact that people might not like her. Therefore, when she learns that Bob isn't fond of her, it tears her up inside.
Back to Somebody Doesn't Love Raymond - wait, what do you mean, you don't like that trope?