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Also titled Monster Island's Decisive Battle: Godzilla's Son, its the eighth Godzilla film, notable for the introduction of Minya and further Godzilla development into a hero. At least in the English-speaking fandom, this recieved a mixed reaction. Minya became one of the least-loved monsters in the franchise, and the Lighter and Softer direction isn't exactly welcomed, but the movie itself isn't bad. It garnered a 71% at Rotten Tomatoes, and the scenes between Godzilla and Minya can be heartwarming.

The testing of a weather control system on Sollgel Island is hampered by a nosy reporter and the discovery of large mantises. A strange cry from the island makes things go further awry, exploding the weather balloon and spreading radiation that mutates the mantises into Kamacuras which dig up an egg. They are about to make the baby Godzilla into their meal when the King of the Monsters himself shows up, offing the two Kamacuras and adopting the baby called Minya as his son. The first day of parenting starts off awkwardly, with Minya being a bit too cowardly and Godzilla not having the patience to deal with children. When Minya defends a woman living on the island from the last Kamacuras, the Giant Spider Kumonga is awakened and Godzilla must discover his Papa Wolf nature before his son is dissected...

This film contains examples of:[]

  • Action survivor: Saeko, she was a little girl who'd came to the island with her scientist father and after his death she manages to grow up alone in a jungle teeming with monster carnivorous insects.
  • Afraid of what's behind you: At one point Minya gets into a scrape with Kamacaras and doesn't do too well but the bug suddenly notices Godzilla appearing behind Minya and makes a run for it.
  • Big Creepy-Crawlies: The Kamacuras, two meters tall even before hit with a dose of I Love Nuclear Power.
  • Burn the web: Fire is the only thing that can cut Kumonga's silk.
  • Cassandra truth: None of the other members of the expedition believe Goro about seeing Saeko until they see her for themselves.
  • Dub Name Change: In both English dubs, Kamacuras was changed to Gimantis, Kumonga was changed to The Spiga, and Saeko's name was changed to Riko.
  • Education papa: Godzilla is shown to be this toward Minya. Goro even calls Godzilla a "study nut".
  • Giant Spider: Kumonga.
  • Gone horribly wrong: The scientist's first attempt at the experiment accidentally creates a radioactive storm that ravages the island and causes the already freakishly large Kamacaras to undergo a massive growth spurt.
  • Gut feeling: How Goro ends up on the island. He explains to the scientists he was on a plane when he gets the urge to don a parachute and jump out because his gut told him there was a good story to find. his gut was right.
  • Intrepid Reporter: Goro Maki.
  • Kill it with fire: How Godzilla dispatches Kumonga and two of the Kamacaras.
  • Nubile savage: Saeko, sort of.
  • Papa Wolf: Godzilla.
  • Weather Control Machine: A rare instance of this being used for benevolent purposes.
  • Worm sign: Happens twice, first when Godzilla arrives on the island, the second turned out to be a submarine sent to pick up the protagonists.