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Son of Santa is a Christmas-themed omnibus novel written by Sugar Ray Dodge that splits into two story arcs. The first being Son of Santa, the original 2007 novel. The second being a trilogy of novelettes called Sons of Earth, written from 2009 through 2010.
Plot Synopsis[]
Santa Claus is Real. Sure, the story has changed a lot over the years, but all the hard facts point to the undeniable truth of his existence. People just don’t want to accept it, so they stop believing. But Santa still visits those who keep believing, despite what they tell their friends at school and fancy parties. Not everybody knows the deeper secrets of the Santa Claus tale. You see, “Santa Claus” isn’t really a single person, it is more of a title that is passed from father to son. It has been a Kringle family tradition for generations.
Jack Kringle didn’t want to be the next Santa Claus, so he left the North Pole for New York City. There he found success and wealth as a scheming businessman, often times trampling on the “little guy” to get what he wanted. Suddenly, his twin brother, Dale, appears in New York on a secret mission that may just teach Jack the true meaning of Christmas.
This book contains examples of:[]
- All Hallow's Eve
- An Asskicking Christmas: Santa blows Barney's head off at the end of The Hitchhiker.
- Animal Motifs: This trope abounds in Son of Santa.
- In regards to Lucy Kringle and her minions, with a particular emphasis on The Wonderful Wizard of Oz imagery. Lucy's constant companion is an extremely loyal lion, and she turns Sebastian Frost into a Winged Monkey to keep him from dying at the very end of the book.
- All you have to say about Moose Dickens is his name.
- It is said that many magical animals servants work alongside with elves at the North Pole. Otters and Polar Bears and mentioned specifically.
- Jack owns two pet Kangaroos for some reason.
- Babies Ever After: More or less.
- Bad Santa: Jack. See also: Jerkass.
- Bittersweet Ending: Jack returns to the North Pole to live with his family after he is forced to sell Kringle Toys to Cid Powers.
- Christmas Miracle: Joshua heals Dale in The Hitchhiker.
- Corrupt Corporate Executive: Cid Powers.
- Dreaming of a White Christmas
- "Happy Holidays" Dress: Tandy gives them to Caroline and Gina.
- How Can Santa Deliver All Those Toys?: Explained right at the beginning.
- How the Character Stole Christmas: The Yeti and Lucy.
- It's a Wonderful Plot: Final two acts of Son of Santa.
- Leaving Food for Santa: Inverted. Dale leaves cookies for Jack at his house.
- Lemony Narrator
- Literary Allusion Title
- Son of Santa
- Originally taglined as A Christmasy Carol.
- Act Two: The Unknown Ideal
- Act Three: The Duty of All Nations
- Act Four: The Virtue of Selfishness
- Act Five: Old Friends, New Friends
- Act Six: And There Were In The Same Country Shepherds
- Act Seven: The End of It
- Sons of Earth
- Act Eight: Attack of the Yeti
- Act Ten: A New and Glorious Morn
- Son of Santa
- Long-Lost Relative: Lucy, aka The Witch is Jack and Dale's older sister.
- Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus
- Thanksgiving Day Story
- True Meaning of Christmas: Sort of.