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Son of Santa is a Christmas-themed omnibus novel written by Sugar Ray Dodge that splits into two story arcs. The first being Son of Santa, the original 2007 novel. The second being a trilogy of novelettes called Sons of Earth, written from 2009 through 2010.

Plot Synopsis[]

Santa Claus is Real. Sure, the story has changed a lot over the years, but all the hard facts point to the undeniable truth of his existence. People just don’t want to accept it, so they stop believing. But Santa still visits those who keep believing, despite what they tell their friends at school and fancy parties. Not everybody knows the deeper secrets of the Santa Claus tale. You see, “Santa Claus” isn’t really a single person, it is more of a title that is passed from father to son. It has been a Kringle family tradition for generations.

Jack Kringle didn’t want to be the next Santa Claus, so he left the North Pole for New York City. There he found success and wealth as a scheming businessman, often times trampling on the “little guy” to get what he wanted. Suddenly, his twin brother, Dale, appears in New York on a secret mission that may just teach Jack the true meaning of Christmas.

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