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  • Crowning Music of Awesome / Ear Worm: The entire soundtrack.
    • And for those who cannot stand the vocal music, the instrumental version of each song is still pretty good.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: The Tails Doll
  • Game Breaker: Super Sonic
  • Memetic Badass: The Tails Doll, along with Memetic Molester, Memetic Horror, and Memetic Villain!
  • Narm: Did the lyrics to "Super Sonic Racing" really need to use the word "everybody" 11 times in a row? And pronounce it VERY strangely the 11th time?
  • Nightmare Fuel: The Tails Doll legend. It is said, for example, that if Tails Doll manages to catch Super Sonic in tag mode, he'll absorb his powers and invade reality.
  • What Could Have Been: Most of the poor reviews the game received were not due to the gameplay, which seemed effective enough, but with only five quick courses, you could cap the game off in a pretty brief sitting.