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The Sonic Revolution Play-by-Post RPGs are a series of RPGs on the fourm site Sonic Revolution. Most of these RPs take place in one universe based on Sonic the Hedgehog, while a few of the earlier ones are based on BlazBlue instead. The RPs chronicle the adventures of Sonic and the Freedom Fighters as they fight to save Mobius from ruin at the hands of the Drakon Empire and other threats.
The story so far is that Robert, a human-turned-hedgehog, is hunting down his dark side, Blackfear. Blackfear once disturbed two lovers, Soak the Seahorse, Musa the Civet from their hiding place, sending them into the path of two COMBots, where they met Sonic, as they were quite injured. The Drakons had captured one of Musa's friends and held her for ransom, and Soak came to fight in the arena and save her. After that, a huge swarm of Insectra Aliens attacked them, but they escaped into the Ancestral Zone, where Robert defeated Blackfear and saved his possessed flunkies. After the adventure, Robert went to the Black Zone to confront Blackfear again, whilist Alicia Acorn made a High-Heel Face Turn and joined the Freedom Fighters, followed by an elaborate rescue of many captive Freedom Fighters (and then a series of random cartoon crossovers).
Robert went on another adventure to Adabat, wherein he encountered the savage Bonedraggers, and managed to make peace with them. After that, he and his friends were recruited into the Black Nova Research Facility by Ashelia. There, they discovered a huge gathering of Sonic's Rogues Gallery, and battled against them. Amongst the highlights was Alicia's re-encounter with Scourge. Later, they breached the Death Egg and came face to face with Robotnik once more. They later learned of the Drakon Empire's conquest of the No Zone, and set out to defeat them.
Fiona, meanwhile, was pursued through a forest by her own twisted imagination, and chose to reform.
You can find these RP's here
Tropes Used[]
- Adaptational Heroism: Alicia Acorn pulls a High-Heel Face Turn here. In addition, one off antagonist Sally-Zilla is returned to her normal form. Fiona Fox and Foxxy seem to be en route to going to the light as well, and little is made of the negative qualities of Team Dark and Silver.
- Adaptational Villainy: Many of the canon villains are much more vicious here than in the original mediums, and a few who saw the light have gone back to their old ways, like Metamorphia and Sol Furic
- All There In The Manual: Some information can only be found on the Sonic Revolution Wiki.
- Anachronic Order
- Ascended Extra: Saleta and Sally-Zilla have gone from one-offs to minor allies of the team. Rust and Bucket from the Fleetway Comics, as well as several AOSTH one-shots, are rather prominent in the Underground RP.
- Canon Welding: Of every single official Sonic media, plus Sonic the Comic: Online, Exterminatus Now, and even the infamous Bludshot the Hedgehog and Gyro: Dark Chronicles.
- C-List Fodder: There's been more than a few massacres of C-Listers.
- Darker and Edgier: Than the mainline series, Archie, and at times even Fleetway, as there is much treachery, bloodshed, and horrific beasts.
- Domestic Abuser: Scourge
- High-Heel Face Turn: Seems to be the rule here, with Water the Cat, Alicia Acorn, Camo, Raz, and Sally-Zilla making up the short list.
- Loads and Loads of Characters:In addition to all the canon Sonic characters from the games, there are also all the characters from AOSTH, SATAM, Underground, and Sonic X, all the characters from both the Archie and Fleetway Sonic Comics, and several originals in addition to a couple from Exterminatus Now, Sonic the Comic: Online, Bludshot the Hedgehog, and Gyro: Dark Chronicles.
- Original Character: Several dozen or so, in addition to the characters of Exterminatus Now, Gyro: Dark Chronicles, and Bludshot the Hedgehog showing up.
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