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The Classic line up

I see smoke from the eden fire!
Sonic Syndicate, Denied

Sonic Syndicate are a Melodic Death Metal (despite some claiming them to be Metalcore) from Falkenberg, Sweden, formed in 2002 as Fallen Angels, a name they dropped in 2005. The band started gaining significant momentum with thier second release Only Inhuman and followed it up a year later with the similar sounding Love and Other Disasters album. After this the band fell on hard times, clean vocalist Roland left due to personal reasons and new singer Nathan was hired. With Nathan came more than a new voclaist, namely pressure from their record label to adopt a more comercial sound, the resulting album polarized the fans and eventually pushed Richard to quit the band.


  • Nathan James Biggs - Clean/Harsh Vocals, Lyrics (2009 - present)
  • Roger Sjunnesson - lead guitar, Keyboard (2002 - present)
  • Robin Sjunnesson - Guitar (2002 - present), harsh Voclas (2011-present)
  • Karin Axelsson - Bass (2004 - present) - Female voclas on Eden Fire
  • John Bengtsson - Drums (2006 - present)

Touring Members:

  • Christoffer Andersson - Harsh voclas (2010 - 2011)

Former Members:

  • Richard Sjunnesson - Harsh vocals, Lyrics (2002 - 2010)
  • Roland Johansson - Clean/Harsh Vocals (2006 - 2009) - Did some additional vocals on Eden Fire
  • Kristoffer Bäcklund - Drums (2002 - 2006)
  • Andreas Mårtensson - Keyboard (2002 - 2006)
  • Magnus Svensson - Bass (2002 - 2004)


  • 2005 - Eden Fire - First release under the Sonic Syndicate name
  • 2007 - Only Inhuman - First release with Roland as a full member of the band
  • 2008 - Love and Other Disasters - Last release with Roland
  • 2009 - Burn This City EP - First release with Nathan
  • 2010 - We Rule the Night - Last release with Richard

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