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SorcererHunters TVTropes

They were called Sorcerer Hunters.

A 13-volume manga written by Satoru Akahori with art by Ray Omishi, which was adapted into a 26-episode anime TV series and 3-part OAV. The series also spawned various video games and radio dramas.

The Spooner Continent is ruled by "Sorcerers", a Witch Species which rules over the "Parsoners" as a noble class. With their magical powers, they can exploit the Parsoners virtually at will. However, the are rumors of those who will punish any Sorcerers who abuse their powers and harm the innocent - a mysterious band of five teenagers, the "Sorcerer Hunters".

Meanwhile, Casanova Wannabe swordsman Carrot Glace, his Bishounen little brother Marron, Clingy Jealous Action Girl Chocolate Misu and her Unlucky Childhood Friend Shrinking Violet little sister Tira, and borderline Hard Gay muscleman Gateau Mocha Walk The Earth... and you can see where this is going, can't you.

From the creator of Saber Marionette J, Kashimashi: Girl Meets Girl, and Maze Megaburst Space.

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