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This is what insanity looks like.
...Alright, here goes.
Sorting Hat is a pan-fandom Extranormal High School AU Journal Roleplay community set in Hogwarts, during the years of Voldemort and the Death Eaters' rise to power. Each member applies as a character from any fictional medium and plays him or her as a student or teacher in Hogwarts, as the game focuses on the cast's day-to-day life in the school. Every two weeks, a random event will happen and cause either hilarity or bring out the trauma and angst that every student secretly has.
Started in 2005, it's probably one of the oldest games on DW at this point.
Tropes used in Sorting Hat include:
- Academy of Adventure (Forget Voldemort, our students provide enough excitement.)
- Adorkable: Firo fits this trope ridiculously well. Mobsters, Italy and Frank Sinatra, anyone?
- Alternate Universe: The entire premise. Take any character from any canon, give them magic powers, stick them in Hogwarts, and see how much you can screw with them.
- Annoying Younger Sibling: Peter.
- Arranged Marriage: More common than you'd probably think with a work set in current times, as there have been at least four instances of this in the past (Haseo/Raimei, Rasiel/Hel and Belphegor/Hiyori, Beatrix/Mori, all dropped.
- Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny: Whether it's more the character or the players is up for debate.
- Berserk Button: Call Soul by his real last name or hurt his friends. I dare you.
- Beware the Nice Ones: You certainly wouldn't expect cheerful little Antonio to be a Death Eater in the future, would you?
- Big Brother Instinct: Mitsuki tends to cause this on most people she meets (see Disproportionate Retribution below).
- Big Eater: Roxas. Almost every journal entry is about seasalt ice cream to some degree. Mukuro calls him out on it. Roxas denies of course.
- Bi the Way
- Blessed with Suck: Death the Kid was cursed when he was young. This curse makes him impervious to physical outside toxins but also...gave him three horizontal stripes on one side of his head. This bothers him slightly.
- Blondes Are Evil: Slytherin has a startling majority of blondes.
- Bus Crash: The dropped characters Zechs, Anya, Anise and Asuka died in the Death Eaters' attack on the Ministry.
- But Not Too Foreign: Most characters that are Japanese in canon have such heritage glossed over, and is hardly ever/never mentioned at all. Some characters incorporate it by making them have close Japanese relatives or be a child of immigrants.
- Chaotic Neutral: Eruka. She doesn't care about all that dark wizard stuff despite being a pureblood, she just wants to have some fun.
- Chekhov's Skill: It's a panfandom AU game. Guess what kinds of thing these people can do in canon.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Brittany and Cassie.
- Conveniently an Orphan: Take your pick.
- Crossover Ship (in-universe): The game's a breeding ground for these. These go from Matthew Kirkand/Lili Rochefort to Natsuo Sagan/Mitsuki Koyama. )
- Cut Himself Shaving: The "I fell down the stairs" variant has been used a few times by injured characters. In at least one of those cases, it was technically true, but the character was actually PUSHED down the stairs.
- Cute Kitten: In contrast to Alfred and Botan's bromance, their cats 13 and Robin have made them grandparents about... twice.
- Cute Witch: It's Hogwarts.
- Damn, It Feels Good to Be a Gangster!: Firo wishes, but in canon...
- Dark and Troubled Past: Look at the list and try to find at least three characters who don't have one. It's fine, we'll wait.
- Delinquents
- Disproportionate Retribution: Half of Gryffindor's sixth year is ready to go after Rasiel with torches and pitchforks because he... Hurt Mitsuki's feelings, and scared her.
- Dude Looks Like a Lady: To the point of Memetic Mutation on how at Hogwarts, the guys are prettier than the girls, along with other merciless lampshading. There's even been at least one occasion where someone forgot Saralegui is male.
- And some of the guys have even hit on him.
- It probably doesn't help that most people just call him "Sara".
- Or that he has prettier hair than just about every female in the school.
- And some of the guys have even hit on him.
- Dysfunction Junction
- Evilly Affable: Every Slytherin,and even some Gryffindors really, can fall under this in some way.
- Fantastic Racism: The setting is an AU version of the Harry Potter world, so of course it's present in more of less the same way as the books.
- Flying Broomstick: It's Hogwarts.
- Friendly Enemy: Mukuro and Joshua were this for years, playing mind games back and forth before they eventually chilled and became frenemies. Feel sorry for Link and Puck. Please.
- Future Badass: Quite a few of the students that went on to become Aurors and a few Death Eaters in the Ten Years Later event. Also, Tsuna.
- Gone Horribly Wrong: That time when Death the Kid unleashed a living cat monster drawing onto the journals by accident.
- Happily Adopted: Billy in his AU backstory, as is Sana. Crona and Rosette also became this over the course of the game. Also Roxas, to some degree.
- Hot-Blooded: The Quidditch commentators.
- Hot for Student: There were TWO characters dating one of their teachers, namely, Haseo, who was dating the Herbology teacher Endrance, and Misa, with Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher Yukimi. Naturally, they try to keep it hidden, which lead to an amusing conversation where they discussed why a student would do such a thing. The former couple (and one half of the latter) has been dropped though.
- Yukimi's underage girls list now includes Reira and Lili.
- Huge Schoolgirl ( Risa, Liz, Lili and Botan are all in the 5'9"~5'10" range. Only Risa is particularly bothered by it, although Liz finds that it does limit her dating pool. )
- Lili loves it, though. Boys are more likely to agree to fight her if she's taller than them.
- Idiot Plot: Are the students bored? Chaos ensues.
- Idol Singer: Reira, Sana, Link and Amber.
- Jerkass Woobie: Saralegui.
- Lady Land: Considering the girl to guy ratio in Hufflepuff, it might as well be. Never mind the fact that some of the guys are pretty girly looking.
- Lampshade Hanging: It's not rare to find a character complaining that the school seems intent on screwing with them.
- Large Ham: Yong Soo is such a ham, he might as well be honey-glazed.
- Like an Old Married Couple: Yukimi and Maron.
- Like Brother and Sister: Botan and Alfred. She even calls him "binky". He, on the other hand, calls her "hermano".
- Of course that leads to other interpretations.
- Roxas and Xion also fall under this category, but without the embarrassing nicknames.
- Likes Older Women: Puck. He's made not-so-subtle passes at some teachers, and even more with his housemates' mothers.
- Loads and Loads of Characters: And it's still growing.
- Love Dodecahedron: Rampant.
- Mama Bear: Enough to set Actual Pacifist Cierra and Maron out for blood.
- Meaningful Name: A lot of the journals have these.
- Misery Builds Character
- Offscreen Moment of Awesome: We never get to see Dumbledore arriving during the attack and kicking the Death Eaters' asses.
- Only Sane Man: Mulan and Tsubaki by far.
- Parental Abandonment: And how. Via Death by Childbirth, Missing Mom or Disappeared Dad, or the classic Death By Origin Story.
- Platonic Life Partners: Alfred and Raimei. Though most everyone but their players would consider them to be the Fan-Preferred Couple.
- Promotion to Parent: Maron to Alfred, Ein to Taiga, Cierra to...everyone.
- Put on a Bus: What usually happens to characters that are dropped. What happens in character can go from simply not using their journal, to transferring, or in some rather nasty examples, being in a coma after falling out a window.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Certain characters in their own native canon.
- Remember the New Guy?: When a new character joins in the middle of the year. Usually explained by saying they'd 'lost their journals' beforehand.
- Rich Bitch: Lili.
- Sharp-Dressed Man: Firo wears suspenders. Enough said.
- Sibling Rivalry: Alfred and Matthew once set each other on fire...
- Sibling Yin-Yang: Castiel and Gabriel certainly come to mind. There are plenty of people who still don't even realize they're brothers, and others who had a hard time believing it.
- Suspiciously Specific Denial: ...i am not a homosexual by the way.
- The Piano Player: Subverted by the fact that Gokudera and Soul both don't like playing in front of other people.
- The Talk: Thanks to the combined efforts of Rachel, Molly and Peter, everyone in Hogwarts's younger years got it. And some of the older years, too.
- Tender Tears: Katya...
- Time Travel: There's been more than one Ten Years Later event.
- Tiny Guy, Huge Girl: Risa and Otani.
- Took a Level In Badass: Most of the students in the school could pull this off. If they haven't already.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Seasalt ice cream anyone?
- True Companions: Fodder for Crowning Moments of Heartwarming.
- Unreliable Narrator: Be careful about what you believe from what character.
- Unusual Euphemism: "... got lost" and "... on a desk" have become euphemisms among the players for... certain activities, the latter pertaining to it being someone's first time.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: Soul and Maka. Sure, they argue and insult each other a lot which often ends with Maka quieting Soul her own way, but they're nigh inseparable.
- Wham! Episode: Hey kids, you know that field trip to the Ministry of Magic you've all been looking forward to? Well, guess when the Death Eaters will decide to attack the Ministry!
- What the Hell, Hero?: Shirley certainly didn't pull any punches when she delivered hers to Alfred.
- Wholesome Crossdresser: Nuriko, Maora, Feliks, Utena, and Kuranosuke.
- Wizarding Boarding School
- Would Hit a Girl: Alfred, much to Lili's delight.
- She's the exception to his usual Wouldn't Hit a Girl policy though.
- You Have to Have Jews: Puck, Rachel, and Billy
- You Need to Get Laid: This piece of advice is given perhaps more than any other.
- You Remind Me of X: Debatable, but could be considered this when people from shared canons meet.