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  • Awesome Ego: Black Star in all his hammy glory.
  • Base Breaker: Black Star is either a hillarious parody of Shonen characters or an annoying brat that even Naruto would find irritating.
    • Excalibur. Either the largest and funniest ham ever, or OMG the worst Ted Baxter.
    • Death the Kid too. As is to be expected from an Ensemble Darkhorse with a very enthusiastic fan base, those who don't like him have to deal with the fan girls.
  • Broken Base: The fans appear to be divided on just how good this show is.
  • Cargo Ship: Poor Marie, so driven to desperation from being an unmarried Christmas Cake was willing to marry a TOILET because it will accept anything she gives it. A mad enterprise thankfully stopped by her level-headed friend Azusa.
  • Complete Monster: Medusa, and boy is she ever.
  • Crazy Awesome: Too many examples to list. Suffice it to say that if you go three episodes without seeing something that qualifies, you aren't watching Soul Eater.
    • Black Star certainly qualifies. He constantly straddles the line between this and Too Dumb to Live. Slams squarely into the former, however, during the Rescue Kid arc. G.O.O.'s attempt to make him crazy just makes him more awesome.
  • Creepy Awesome: Stein is the king of this trope.
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: When Tsubaki is fighting Masamune and the villagers start beating Black Star with a club, he just stood there waiting for Tsubaki with the same expression on his face.
    • Maka: The punch to end all punches. The punch so powerful it cracked Asura's face.
    • Black☆Star: Take your pick. His battles with Mifune, the attacks on Asura, his fight with a madness possessed Death the Kid, etc.
    • Death The Kid: See Black☆Star in the fact that he has multiple CMOA's. His fights on a ship, a train, in a Chernobyl-esque town...
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: The first OP by TM Revolution is incredibly badass and the second OP by Tommy Feburary 6 has beautiful lyrics.
    • Just the entire OST for the anime. Really, it's kickass.
      • The fourth ending. Holy crap, it's epic.
    • "Counter Identity", the Repeat Show's first OP.
  • Ear Worm: "Excalibuuur...Excalibuuur...from the United Kingdom...i'm looking for her...i'm going to Californiaaaa...".
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Excalibur, by both fans and the studio, who saw fit to give him Takehito Koyasu as his seiyuu.
    • Also applies to FUNimation. He's the favorite of numerous cast members, and the role was given to Troy Baker, who is Action Bastard!... on a show that has the same ADR director!
    • Death the Kid is one, sharing the top spot with Stein as the most popular character in the series.
  • Evil Is Sexy: Medusa and Arachne prove this beautifully. And then Medusa does a Grand Theft Me on her sister's soulless body.
    • Some may find that once the depth of Lady Medusa's evil is revealed, it's hard to find her sexy anymore. Also, the kishin completely averts this, unless that's your thing.
  • Fan Nickname: "Waffles" for Gopher, due to the (unintentional?) linguistic pun.
  • Fan-Preferred Couple: While the Meister/Weapon pairings undoubtedly have their fans, there is quite the sizeable fandom for Kid/ doesn't help that it would probably come just behind Stein/Marie in the Hurt/Comfort department.
    • Don't forget Maka/Crona. Whether it's het hurt-comfort or Les Yay hurt-comfort, they still have their fans.
      • And Soul/Maka. To the point where Maka/Crona vs Maka/Soul could be a Base Breaker. Both have several points of Canon and rabid fans.
  • Foe Yay: Franken Stein and Medusa have positively epic amounts of this. Opposite sides, yet clearly attracted to each other; both appreciate the appeal of insanity and taking rules (and people) apart.
    • One would think at least, until he helped Maka to defeat Medusa rather quickly in the anime.
    • Stein seemed to do this intentionally to squick out Maka when he was pretending to be a bad guy. He referred to her soul as "cute," and commented on the smoothness of her skin.
    • Justin and Giriko could also count as well, since the anime portrays them as rivals.
  • Fridge Brilliance: The cast wears street clothes that are different than their trademark outfits while hanging out in Maka's and Soul's apartment. This could only mean that those punkish, Crazy Awesome, and borderline Stripperiffic outfits are in fact their school uniforms!!! Awesome.
    • Actually, Shibusen seems to have a school dress code (As Kim, Jackie, and various extras wear uniforms) but they don't seem to enforce it all that much, leading to crazy battle outfits. Only gets crazier when we have the cast change into their Spartoi uniforms.
    • Taken one way, the anime ending is this. After being shown that no amount of power is enough to destroy Asura, Maka uses her Determinator status to invalidate his entire existence, causing him to destroy himself.
    • Why doesn't Medusa wear shoes? Snakes don't have feet!
    • Black☆Star is a small kid with immense pride and powers related to shadows, just like another small kid related to pride in another series, and both of these characters have the same American voice actress, Brittney Karbowski.
  • Fridge Horror: Ragnarok. It took a while for this troper to realize that for him to be implanted in Crona, Medusa had to force him into weapon mode, melt him down into a liquid, and mix him with the black blood. It's no wonder he's a sociopathic bully- if anything, he should be a mindless, gibbering wreck.
    • Don't forget that before putting the black blood into Crona, Medusa had to drain all of Crona's normal blood. Considering Crona was shown in a flashback to already have Ragnarok when she was like five...let's just say Medusa is a horrible mother.
    • Kid and Black☆Star are going to create a totalitarian society that will basically shut down free will. And this is a GOOD thing.
      • You heard Kid: "As though I would allow people the freedom to kill!"
  • Fridge Logic: Hard to catch, but at the end of the Medusa arc we see the kids dressed in casual gear playing basketball. Death the Kid is wearing a polo shirt...that isn't symmetrical.
    • Also, the currency used in Death City is called Death Notes. Incredibly Lame Pun aside, they're in Nevada, which is in the western USA. Why don't they just use dollars?
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: In an early episode, it's fantasized that Death City will sprout legs... and then it actually did happen later on in the anime.
    • At the end of October 2009, FUNimation's reveal of the English voice for Black☆Star on YouTube garnered near-500 comments in 8 hours of people arguing about how bad her voice was! Way to go, FUNimation. 'Bet they'll think twice about posting previews of their voices online from now on. (Poor Brittney Karbowski, tho.)
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: YMMV on whether Soul's mockery of Maka is this or Suspiciously Specific Denial, considering his female form in the Lust chapter of Eibon. Although YMMV on that, too.
  • Les Yay: In the first opening, at one point Blair is seen jumping on a table in Maka and Soul's apartment with the whole gang over. Maka is disgusted/annoyed. Tsubaki doesn't seem to know what to think. Death the Kid and Black☆Star freak out, Soul gets a nosebleed. Patty and Liz, who were right near blair, appear to be pleased with what they see.
    • Open to interpretation. The normally pessimistic Liz may just be grimacing in embarrassment, and Patty may be amused rather than aroused.
    • Maka and Crona. Maybe.
      • Jacqueline and Kim
      • Seems more from Jackie than Kim.
  • Magnificent Bastard: Medusa certainly seems to be heading in this direction.
    • I'd say so. She's the Knight of Cerebus in the series, she subverted the usual Dark Magical Girl Heel Face Turn by turning Crona into The Mole, succeeded in awakening the Kishin, only "lost" to Stein and Death Scythe because she won, took over the body of a small child so no one could attack her without hurting the little girl, drove Stein to madness (the not funny kind), outed a good witch who just wanted to defect, and is leading Shibusen against her rival with Shinigami-sama's blessing.
      • And her Magnificent Bastard Quota keeps rising exponentially! Turns out, the whole reason behind leading Shibusen to defeat Arachne was so Medusa could steal her sister's gorgon body when she abandoned it to become madness incarnate, and to try and kill Maka, who's Demon Hunter wavelength apparently poses a threat to her and the entire witch world. Also, as of the new chapters, she is manufacturing FAKE MADNESS CLOWNS from information she got from Shinigami and Arachne. Yeah, she's pretty much the boss of this trope in this series.
  • Memetic Badass: Joe Buttataki is gonna kick the shit out of you!
  • Memetic Molester: Giriko. Canon molester as of chapter 75. Also, Ephebophile (Maka's very young, but she's not a prepubescent kid. Not that it makes the deal better, tho). Yeahhhh.
    • Stein in one of his first chapters when pulling up Maka's shirt and saying he wants to dissect her. He looked like he wanted to do something other than dissection.
  • Memetic Mutation: Just try and watch this series--with all its references to "madness"--without Leonidas's face popping into your head at least once.
    • The legend of this mutation began in the 12th century.
      • (ﺧ益ﺨ)
      • EXCALIBUUUUR~! EXCALIBUUUR~! From United Kingdom, I'm looking for him, going to Californiaaaa~!
    • And everyone looking dead in the fourth ED? They had a car wreck. Justin was driving.
    • There's an image floating around the web of Konata Izumi cosplaying as Death the Kid that's spawned a lot of fan Squee and Lucky Star / Soul Eater parodies...
  • Moral Event Horizon: Medusa crosses this with a vengence in Chapter 87.
  • Mr. Fanservice: Kid and Stein
  • Nightmare Fuel: His name is Soul Eater. And he does. With great pleasure. And nobody sees anything wrong with it.
    • As for him, so for the other Weapons. The manga more so than the anime mentions that while there are rules about which souls can be eaten, the origin of these rules - Shinigami-sama - makes the whole business arguably suspect depending on how you view the Dumbledore-ish Eldritch Abomination Grim Reaper. Mifune, for example, was said to be a legitimate target despite his peculiar circumstances (only fought to protect Angela, a witch too young to be a threat to Shibusen or anyone else).
  • One True Threesome: Some viewers have a soft spot for Liz/Kid/Patty; Kid is not human and may have social acceptance of at the very least polygyny.
    • Though not as popular as the above, there is a Soul/Maka/Chrona fandom as well.
  • Squick: The dancing around the fire naked flashback of Kilik and Ox's quickly becomes this when you realise pot of thunder is a girl.
  • The Scrappy: Black Star
  • Tear Jerker: The beginning of episode 14. Sure, it was a dream, but this troper couldn't help but shed a few tears.
    • And episode 11 *sniff*
      • Episode 21... Any episode where Crona isn't being awesome.
  • This Is Your Premise on Drugs: It's best summed up as Bleach...on crack.
  • Too Cool to Live: Poor Tezca Tlipoca... and he had to die more than once!
    • Mifune, Mosquito and Joe Buttaki
  • The Woobie: Crona might just be the woobiest woobie that ever woobed.
    • He may be the biggest one, but he's far from the only one. We have Maka with her massive insecurities, Tsubaki with her brutal sibling problem, Liz and Patti with their Dark and Troubled Past, Stein with his constant struggle to keep sane, Eruka with her forced servitude to Medusa under threat of death, heck, even Ragnarok could qualify (see Fridge Horror above).
  • Villain Sue: If Medusa's not a Magnificent Bastard, she's this.