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Revya (female)
The Silent Protagonist of our story. Gender and name are determined by you (though she appears in Disgaea 3 Absence of Justice as a female and the default name is Revya). Depending on the path taken, is either really nice, or evil incarnate. Is actually a World Eater (no, not that one).
- Ancestral Weapon: The Onyx Blade. It belongs to the Median bloodline and Revya is able to wield it because his/her soul is that of Median's dead son.
- Canon Name: Revya, of course.
- Chainmail Bikini: Female Revya.
- Character Development: As the story goes on, Gig's personality rubs off on Revya, and thus gets a few lines like this.
Revya (In response to Levin sniffing out an enemy): Woof, Woof, doggy. |
- Complete Monster: In the Demon Path.
- Conveniently an Orphan
- Curtains Match the Window
- Dark Is Edgy: Two of her techs are called Demon Blast and Demon Force, and both are about as dark-looking as their name implies.
- Dark Is Not Evil: Revya's still a good person despite the trope above. Averted in the Demon Path.
- Deadpan Snarker: Becomes much more noticeable as the story progresses, but does show shades of this even early on.
- Demonic Possession: Sort of. While Gig does inhabit her body, he doesn't have any control due to Revya's strong will and a seal placed by Layna.
- Eleventh-Hour Superpower: After eating the soul of Gestahl, Revya gains the Demon Force ground tech during the last battle of the normal campaign. It can be used on repeat plays during the whole game, however.
- Even the Girls Want Her: In the Danette ending, she displays feelings for Revya regardless if Revya is a guy or girl. Although she acts more flustered in the male version and treats her like a BFF threatening to 'tickle' her in the female one.
- Evil Counterpart: To Levin in the Demon Path.
- Fallen Hero: Doesn't even begin to describe the Demon Path.
- Friendly Rival: Towards Danette.
- Gender Bender: Female Revya. She was Lord Median's son in her past life, and reincarnated as a female. Of course, it's averted if you chose male.
- The Hero
- Big Bad: In the Demon Path.
- Heroes Prefer Swords: The choice in weaponry was already decided for him/her, though.
- Hidden Elf Village: Grew up in one for ten years.
- I Am Who?: Revya is revealed to be a World Eater and reincarnation of Median's child by the real Layna in the world of Drazil.
- Hunter of Her Own Kind
- Interspecies Romance: Depends on the ending.
- Kid with the Leash
- Kryptonite Factor: Revya's most notable bad match ups is the Gypsies and the Gideons.
- Laughing Mad: In the Bad End of the Demon Path.
- Jack of All Stats: Bordering on Lightning Bruiser; Revya is one of the most balanced and easy to use of the characters in the game, he/she has very few poor match ups, and his/her ground Techs are all around useful.
- May-December Romance: With Juno in the Male Revya's ending.
- Made of Iron: Possibly. Gig remarks after Endorph destroys Raksha with Psycho Burgundy . that despite being the closest to the explosion s/he was unscathed by the blast.
- Moral Event Horizon: The Demon Path. It Got Worse.
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: Doesn't get any worse than The Devourlord
- Omnicidal Maniac: In the Demon Path. To put it lightly.
- Only Sane Man: Most of the time. However, being with Danette and Gig for so long has some effects.
- Power At a Price: Could easily destroy the World Eaters on a caprice should he/she choose to use Gig's powers. However the more Revya uses the more likely Gig will devour his/her soul.
- Purely Aesthetic Gender: The choice of gender only affects the multiple endings in the slightest of ways.
- The Quiet One: All of Revya's responses are short and to the point.
- Red Baron: The Devourlord
- Redheaded Hero
- Reincarnation: Of Median's son and Layna's older brother.
- Sealed Evil in a Can: In the Demon Path Good Ending.
- Silent Protagonist: Subverted in that s/he is STILL able to communicate with the others through occasional dialogue choices, and for the sake of moving the plot, there tends to be one option of what to say. When you get other options, it's when you are getting Relationship Values or routes to other endings.
- Lampshaded in Disgaea 3 where Mao gives her a voice for use in battle and wonders why anyone would make a game where the main character doesn't talk.
- Suicidal Cosmic Temper Tantrum: "It doesn't matter. It was fun."
- There Is No Kill Like Overkill: Demon Blast. Let's just say it involves Beam Spam and in the Demon Path, it was the Finishing Move Revya used to destroy all of existence.
- Unwitting Pawn: He/She ends up being Virtuous and Haephnes' unknowing pawn in restoring the cycle of souls.
- Victorious Childhood Friend: If you chose for Revya to be a male, he ends up married to Danette in her ending.
- Villain Protagonist: In the Demon Path.
- We Cannot Go on Without You
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Revya devours Gig in the Demon Path.
Voiced by: Akira Sasanuma (JP), Yuri Lowenthal (EN)[]

A fallen god sealed inside the Onyx Blade. A Master of Death. Omnicidal, sociopathic, and awesomely evil. Was not originally like this. He was originally the benevolent Vigilance, but after Median killed him he was reborn by Drazil as the Omnicidal Maniac we all know and love. Hilarity Ensues.
- Almighty Janitor: Gig is a Master of Death, technically a subordinate to the World Rulers and equal to a Master of Life. He is more powerful than either, killing both Drazil, Gamma and Joules combined in a Single-Stroke Battle in the normal ending. In the Demon Path, Revya uses Gig's full power to kill Drazil and Haephnes, and neither of them are able to stop him/her.
- Badass: Anyone who can give Zetta a run for his money in power and trash-talking has earned this.
- Bad Boss: Thuris and Raksha both mention that when they were rampaging through Haephness that Gig was very abusive towards them, hence part of why they want him dead.
- Big Eater: The Vitali ending says that he stayed a restaurant that served hotpods for three days and ate its entire stock.
- Brainwashed and Crazy
- Came Back Wrong
- Chewing the Scenery: Gig does this a lot in the flashbacks.
- Cluster F-Bomb: Gig does not have the cleanest mouth around.
- Consummate Liar: Although he does drop hints when he's lying, no one picks up on it. It helps that the target of most of his lies is Danette.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Deal with the Devil: Tries this with Revya.
- Don't Fear the Reaper: As Vigilance.
- Evil Is Dumb: In a rather literal sense, he's not be bright when evil and tends to act more competent when turning good.
- Fallen Hero: Was tossed down rather than fell.
- The Grim Reaper: Gig is a 'master of death' — a being who should technically do the standard duties of the grim reaper.
- Heroic Comedic Sociopath
- Hey, You: He rarely ever calls anyone by their given name, but if he does have to call them by something, it's usually very insulting ('Stupid Cow' for Danette and 'Sister Loving Man Cow' for Levin). The only exception is Revya, who he calls 'Kid' or 'Soulmate' if he's being nice.
- Well really nobody refers to Revya by name
- Idiot Ball: In the Normal Path he frequently tries to convinces Reyva to give him control and just as many times says he'll destroy the world if he gets control, so not surprisingly Revya always refuses.
- The Imp
- Jerkass -> Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- The Lancer: Personality-wise, at least. Gig is verbose where Revya is mostly silent, sadistic and selfish where Revya is kind and selfless, cynical and sarcastic where Revya is naive and honest, and very fond of playing shoulder devil to his 'soulmate'.
- Laughably Evil: Easily the funniest character in the game.
- Laser-Guided Amnesia: when Gig was revived by Drazil, all of his memories as Vigilance were creased, though over the course of the game he gradually regains them.
- Love to Hate
- Large Ham
- My God, What Have I Done?: During the Good Ending of the Demon Path, Gig snaps back to his senses as Vigilance and despairs over the crimes he committed as Gig, vowing to set things right and atone.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: In the other ending, Gig quite abruptly regrets giving Revya so much power when Revya uses it all to devour him.
- Omnicidal Maniac
- Redemption Equals Death: Sacrifices himself to defeat Drazil and his Masters of Life and Death, however...
- Sinister Scythe
- Superlative Dubbing: The American dub for Gig is widely considered to be superior to the Japanese version.
- Theme Music Power-Up: "BAD BOYS" plays = Gig will be sarcastic. "Desperado" plays = Gig will own someone. "Rockin' Rocks" plays = Gig will destroy someone.
- Token Evil Teammate
- Trademark Favorite Food: Hotpods
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
- You Will Be Spared: Hotpods
Voiced by: Chiwa Saitou (JP), Amanda Winn-Lee (EN)[]

Female Sepp who grew up with Revya. Fights with twin daggers. Nicknamed Stupid Cow by Gig.
- Action Girl
- Deceased Parents Are the Best: Her mother and father were both very loving parents.
- Determinator: She will follow Layna's orders no matter what is. Going so far as to force her way through barely stable portal to another world.
- The Ditz: Gig's nickname for her isn't too far off the mark.
- Friendly Rival: Towards Revya.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: A little less on the friendly side initially.
- Happily Adopted: Despite the trope above, she still considers Virtuous to be a grand-mother figure.
- I Gave My Word: Promised Layna to watch over Revya and intervene if Gig became too much for her to resist.
- Interspecies Romance: With Male Revya in her ending. Same with Female Revya if you interpret the ending differently...
- Jack of All Stats: Borders a little more on Fragile Speedster, but she's pretty sturdy for one.
- Knife Nut: Her Weapon of Choice.
- Dual-Wielding: She uses two.
- The Lancer
- Parental Abandonment: Her parents were in a religious war with the Thurists.
- Super Speed: A racial trait of Sepps.
- Tear Jerker: See Crowning Moment of Heartwarming above. Also, the way she reacts when Gig dies, not to mention the two well done faces of anguish they show of her at the end, can really get the tears going.
- Tsundere: Type A when it comes to Revya and Gig. Tybe B with it comes to Layna.
- Undying Loyalty: To Lady Layna.
- You Gotta Have Green Hair
- Victorious Childhood Friend: With Male Revya in her ending.
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: In the other endings.
- You Are Worth Hell: In the Good Ending of the Demon Path, Revya gets sealed into the Oynx Blade. But Danette, not wanting her (former) best friend to have to suffer alone, has Dio seal her soul into the blade as well despite the fact that Reyva killed her earlier. And to top it all off, she sings the lullaby Reyva sung to her when she was little, so that (s)he can sleep better.
A mysterious woman who appears in the player's dream from time to time. She's actually the God of the world where the game takes place. And is more or less the adopted mom of Revya.
- Authority Equals Asskicking: She's a Dimension Lord, like Drazil, though prefers to have her adopted child kick ass with the Brainwashed and Crazy Master of Death as part of a Batman Gambit.
- Big Good: Alongside Virtuous, she's trying to fix her world.
- Dimension Lord
Lady Layna AKA Virtuous[]
Voiced by: Mary Elizabeth McGlynn (EN)[]

An elderly lady who was once a warrior queen who plays the role Revya and Danette's mentor and caretaker.
In truth, she's Virtuous, Master of Life. She and Layna were once merged in a manner similar to Revya and Gig, but Gig killed their shared body once, and Layna's soul passed into the cycle of Rebirth, leaving Virtuous alone in her body. She is a World Ruler. Also a master manipulator.
- Alternate Character Interpretation: While she means well and is right about trying to fix the world, one could call her out on pretty much setting Revya up from the start without even asking until AFTER the fusion. One could say she had it coming in the Demon Path.
- Authority Equals Asskicking: She is the Master of Life. She may not fight anymore, but she's helped Layna beat Gig, helped Revya and Gig KILL Median, and can make you stay dead for real.
- Batman Gambit: The plot of the game is one crafted by her to solve the real problem with the world.
- Benevolent Boss: A kind grandmother figure for the village.
- Big Good
- Beware the Nice Ones: She can permanently block people's ability to be reborn if angered.
- The Chessmaster: Rare heroic one.
- Eccentric Mentor: A very rare female example.
- Guile Hero
- The Obi-Wan
- One Steve Limit: Averted.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old
Levin AKA Raksha[]
Voiced by: Tatsuhisa Suzuki (JP), Liam O'Brien (EN)[]

A Sepp and one of Christophe's guards, who cares a lot about his sister Euphoria. He's a ridiculously fast runner and strong, though a little dimwitted and reckless. Not. He's actually Raksha, one of the three World Eaters who was once under Gig's command. He crushed the soul of the original Levin when he was young and used his body to carry out his Evil Plan
- Becoming the Mask: In his Normal Path epilogue, he and Revya Walk the Earth together. In the Demon Path, he goes through a Heel Face Turn after enjoying the attention of being labeled a hero.
- The Big Guy: Alongside Grunzford.
- Cannot Spit It Out: He has a crush on Trish, but can't get the words out, even when he's revealed to Raksha, his feelings appear to genuine. He's unable to do the same with Female Revya during his epilogue.
- Demonic Possession
- Evil Counterpart: To Revya, in the Normal Path.
- A God Am I: The ultimate goal of his Evil Plan
- Good Feels Good: In the Demon Path.
- Hot-Blooded: Even has an ability named this.
- Knight Templar Big Brother: Not exactly fond of Endorph getting close to his sister.
- Magnificent Bastard
- The Mole
- The Nose Knows: He's able to track Thuris using this. Gig and even Revya naturally call him out on this.
- Obfuscating Stupidity
- Power Fist: His Weapon of Choice.
- Shocking Swerve: For much of the game, Levin had been a pretty dependable, though reckless, guy. Then he literally stabs Virtuous in the back.
- Super Speed: Sepps share this trait, though Levin is especially known for this.
- Those Two Guys: With Vitali.
Voiced by: Derek Stephen Prince (EN)[]
A friend of Levin's and a cleric, Vitali is also one of Christophe's guards. A highly skilled chef.
- Combat Medic
- Iron Chef
- The Mole: Played with in the beginning, with his secret conversations and reports to Christophe. He's actually on Revya's side all the way.
- Only Sane Man: Alongside Revya. And like Revya, he has his wackier moments.
- The Smart Guy
- Stealth Hi Bye: Ridiculously skilled at this to the point that it freaks
Gigeveryone out. - Supreme Chef
- Suspiciously Specific Denial: "I did NOT pretend to be a girl." Funny, considering his epilogue.
- Throw the Book At Them: His Weapon of Choice.
- You Do NOT Want to Know: How he found out that Kanan is actually male.

A Nereid that joins the party. Very protective of her adopted son Penn.
- Commuting on a Bus: Stops appearing with the main characters in the storyline after defeat Feinne for the most part, but she's still available in gameplay at least.
- Dub Name Change: Her name in the Japanese version is Jost (Pronounced Youst).
- Humans Are Bastards: The 'humans are untrustworthy' subversion. Is willing to judge on an individual basis however.
- Interspecies Romance: Nereids require a male from another species in order to reproduce.
- Mama Bear
- May-December Romance: With Male Revya in her ending. Planned with Penn otherwise.
- Our Mermaids Are Different: Nereids are a One-Gender Race of mermaids that can walk on land.
- Pettanko: Like most Nereids, to improve swimming.
- Prongs of Poseidon: Her Weapon of Choice.
- Single Woman Seeks Good Man: With Male Revya in her ending.
- Wife Husbandry: Major player in the Nereid's plan with Penn.
- Yandere: A mild version of this for Penn.
Voiced by: Kosuke Toriumi (JP), Troy Baker (EN)[]

A mysterious man who usurped leadership of a band of thieves and turned them into a Robin Hood-esque band of rogues. He's actually Walnut from Phantom Brave, who was sent to Prodesto after he dragged Sulphur through the dimensional gate at the end of the game.
- Berserk Button: For the love of God, don't call Euphoria a doll!
- Dual-Wielding: He uses two pistols in Soul Nomad.
- Guest Star Party Member: You briefly gain him after Levin's Reveal, but then quickly lose him after his Heroic Sacrifice. However, if your Relationship Values are high with Endorph, then you regain him when you enter Drazil.
- The Gunslinger
- Heroic Sacrifice: Yes, he does it again, this time against Raksha. However, if some of the epilogues are to be believed, he escapes death once again.
- Interspecies Romance: With Euphoria (a Sepp).
- Not Quite Dead: "I've already died once before. Even the black reaper is sick of me."
- Not So Different: To Levin and Shauna and their love for both their sisters.
- Older and Wiser/Took a Level In Badass: It's hard to imagine that this guy, who is now Just Like Robin Hood, a good mentor to the weak willed, and a Big Damn Hero was once a Jerkass Social Darwinist. See Phantom Brave.
- Playing with Fire: His Front Row, Special Attack, and Team-Up Attack with Revya.
- Sixth Ranger
- Suicide Attack: Psycho Burgundy which he uses to completely destroy Raksha, though he manages to survive, again.

A Redflank who used to live in the same village as Revya. Left in protest against fusing Gig to a human. A grumpy old man who likes to complain about Sepps.
- An Axe to Grind
- A Load of Bull
- The Big Guy
- Cool Old Guy
- Genius Bruiser: he managed to pull a Batman Gambit on the Devourlord, as his personal Demon Path CMOA.
- Grumpy Old Man
- Mighty Glacier
- The Obi-Wan
- Promotion to Parent: For Trish.
- Retired Badass
- Scars Are Forever: He's covered in them.
- Team Dad

A Draconsage, Dio is supposedly a great mage traveling with the legendary warrior Gestahl but proves to be an incompetent klutz when facing off against Revya's group. Eventually it's discovered that his real name is Odie (and the "Gestahl" accompanying him is a hotpod farmer named Vangogh) and Dio is his much more powerful brother. He soon befriends Revya's group
- Boom Stick: His Weapon of Choice.
- Butt Monkey
- Cowardly Lion
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: He's actually a pretty skilled sorcerer, though he's crippled by an incredible inferiority complex and a lack of inborn talent.
- Took a Level In Badass: In the Demon Path (being able to do things like break Revya's dominion over Vangou), to the point where even Dio was impressed by his growth.
- Cutscene Incompetence: While everyone in the plot makes a big deal about how weak and useless he is, he's actually pretty powerful mechanically.
- Dub Name Change: His name in the Japanese version is Yodo.
- Evil Is Dumb: And how.
- The Faceless: Outside of his epilogue, he never takes off the lizard mask.
- Goldfish Poop Gang: What he starts off as.
- Redemption Promotion: Goes from Sympathetic Ineffective Villain to one of your main characters, though is till a Butt Monkey.
- Shock and Awe: What his Boom Stick shoots out.
- Slave to PR: He starts off the game as a highway robber that depends entirely on his family's reputation to scare people so he won't have to fight them.
- Squishy Wizard
- Took a Level In Badass: A bit in the Normal Path. Big time in the Demon Path.
- The Unfavorite: Disowned by his family for his younger and more talented brother.
- With Friends Like These...: The part is more than happy to make fun of his helplessness. Even Pinot and Agrippa treat him like a child. Possibly justified since they're about the same age. Good ol' Sluggo.
Voiced by: Mai Nakahara (JP), Wendee Lee (EN)[]

Idealistic but naive noble woman who adventures to help people. Grunzford acts as a mentor to her. She prefers to be called Trish.
- The Archer
- The Chick
- Dub Name Change: Her name in the Japanese version is Driesche.
- Hair of Gold
- Just Like Robin Hood: What she becomes in her epilogue.
- Long Lost Sibling: Shauna is her older sister.
- Memento MacGuffin: Her hair ornament, a keepsake left from her mother. Actually, it's from her sister, Shari aka Shauna.
- The Ojou
- The Ophelia: All the way, in The Demon Path.
- Parental Abandonment: When she was really young, she was separated from her father and sister. Some time later, she loses her adoptive father, but that was for the best.
- Rape as Drama: In the Demon Path.
- Sanity Slippage: In the Demon Path, she gets raped by Hawthorne, but manages to escape death thanks to Shauna. She becomes increasingly insane and suicidal until her death.
- Wendee Lee
- The Woobie: Shows traits of this. Cranked Up to Eleven in the Demon Path.
- Iron Woobie: But if you get her ending in the Normal Path, she comes across as this instead.
Pinot and Agrippa[]
Two angels that have known Odie for some time.
- Ascended Extra: In the Demon Path
- Cross-Dressing Voices: Agrippa's voiced by Barbara Goodson
- Older Than They Look
- Our Angels Are Different
- Shotguns Are Just Better: Agrippa
- Those Two Guys
- Wham! Episode The fun and games in the Demon Path stop once Agrippa is killed with little warning.

Daughter of Median the Conquer. Like Revya, she is a World Eater. Saved the world from Gig with assistance from Virtuous. The last party member to join during the Normal Path.
- All of the Other Reindeer: A much gentler example; the Drazilians don't fully trust her due to her looking different from them, but they try to help her rather than insult her.
- Asskicking Equals Authority: "Median's daughter, Layna, had come into her own and become a true leader." In-game, it's said she's beaten the legendary dragon Sluperam and almost killed Virtuous, the woman who killed her father.
- Badass
- Boobs of Steel
- Genki Girl
- Jack of All Stats: Much like Revya.
- Lady of War
- Luke, I Am Your Father: She's actually the hero's little sister from their previous life.
- One Steve Limit: Averted.
- Reverse Mole: Has been working with Virtuous for the past two hundred years infiltrating Drazil's world. The player finds this out quickly after she joins.
- Royal Rapier: Her Weapon of Choice. She also fits the 'royal' part of the Trope, considering she's the daughter of Median the Conqueror.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Lujei Piche[]
An unexpected unlockable character, Lujei escaped her world and starts exploring others, screwing them up in the process. It appears she has a connection to Endorph...
- Back From the Dead
- Berserk Button: Being reminded of her death by poisoning sent her into a psychotic fit of rage.
- Boobs of Steel: More of the Glass Cannon type. She can throw down some powerful magic. Also, she's quite stacked, giving Shauna and Alexemia a run for their money.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Hoo-boy, she's such a nut case that even Gig is freaked out by her.
- Flanderlization: YMMV on this.
- Glass Cannon: Has the best INT attacks out of your playable characters. Can't take a hit worth a dime.
- Instant Awesome, Just Add Dragons: Her Special Attack.
- Love Makes You Crazy: Just ask Mevy, the talking skull of her dead lover that she carries around on her staff.
- Power Floats
- Shout-Out: All of her movesets? They're all of the Arcane Summons from Grim Grimoire. Which goes into Irony levels due to the fact that her student learned Necromancy from her. That could mean Lujei had some skills when she was alive.
- Spanner in the Works: Specifically, she's the one who sent Sulfur back to the world of Phantom Brave as a Bonus Boss, rendering the sacrifices involved pointless. Endorph was not happy to hear this.
- Stable Time Loop: During the flashback where Median kills Vilgilance, if you answer "You must've been pissed" you find out that Lujei sends you back in time to fight Median. If you win, you find out that thanks to this, Virtuous finds out a way to fuse souls, thus making the plan of fusing Gig's and Revya's soul possible. Which also gave Drazil two souls for the last two World Eaters, Thuris and Raksha. So in short... Lujei helped SAVE the world! ...And gave Drazil the two souls he needed to create the last two death machines... But hey, it's Lujei.
- A Wizard Did It: She IS the Wizard.
- Yandere

A businessman the party runs into early in the game. A pretty nice, if pragmatic, guy.
- Big Damn Heroes: The guy comes in with a small army to help Revya during their fight against Feinne the second time.
- Demoted to Extra: He gets only one scene in the Demon Path, after that, you never hear from him again.
- Good Smoking: Smokes a pipe.
- Heroic BSOD Has a minor one after Cuthbert kills himself out of guilt. He picks himself together quickly, though.
- My Greatest Failure: It's suggested that he betrayed his best friend Lobo when they were younger, thus causing the latter to become evil.
- Non-Action Guy: Doesn't directly fight himself, but supplies soldiers for Revya.
- Self-Made Man: Is successful due to his honest work ethic.
Voiced by: Derek Stephen Prince (EN)[]

Chevalier of the forces of Raide, Galahad begins as a minor cowardly threat, but he improves greatly by the end of the events concerning World Eater Feinne.
- Break the Haughty: In the Demon Path, big time.
- Character Development
- Envy/The Starscream: Towards Thorndyke. He starts taking a level in badass after realizing Thorndyke was a really noble guy who was unfairly executed. In the Demon Path, however, when Thorndyke is forced to join Revya, he ridicules him.
- Evil Is Dumb
- Heel Face Turn
- Out of Focus: In the Normal path, after showing remarkable growth up to the fight with Feinne, he quite suddenly drops out of the storyline at about the same time as Juno.
- Justified; he was elected to help rebuild Raide after Feinne lazered it to the ground.
- Sanity Slippage: Galahad becomes the only real source of humor in the Demon Path because of the spectacular way he loses it.
- Dude, Not Funny: If you really think about it.
- Redemption Promotion: Becomes the Prime Minister of New Raide.
- Took a Level In Badass: To a certain extent, he's considerably more courageous just before the fight with Feinne.
- Warmup Boss: The first real foe the player faces, Galahad still isn't much of a threat.
Queen of the Nereids. Though she can't walk on land, she has Juno be her eyes and ears for her in the outside world.
- Cast From HP: She has a miraculous healing power, but it uses up a bit of her life force.
- Demoted to Extra: Only gets one scene in the Demon Path, sadly.
- Healing Hands
- Her Heart Will Go On: Admits that she was in love with someone in the Demon Path(Normal Path hinted that her lover was one of the kings of Raide). It's implied that she wishes to see him.
- Karen Strassman
- Ms. Fanservice: Alexemia is practically naked, for Haephnes sake! She's only wearing a crown and a freakin' seashell bra.
- Our Mermaids Are Different: Averted, somewhat. She's more of the standard mermain since she can't last on land too much, and she has the fish lower half.
- Reasonable Authority Figure
- Seashell Bra: Takes it a step further; Alexemia has Seashell nipple-covers
- Team Mom: For the Nereids. This trope is more literal than usual cases becasue it's implied that she IS all of the Nereids' mother.

A human child adopted by the Nereid as part of their plan to repopulate the race.
- Cheerful Child
- Childhood Marriage Promise: Asks female Revya to marry him in Juno's ending. You don't get any say in it.
- Creepy Child: In the Demon Path. He's Ax Crazy, and doesn't care about his own life, actually finds it cool when Revya doesn't care that Thuris uses him as human shield.
- Dirty Kid: He loves big boobs.
- Luke, I Am Your Father: Thorndyke is his father.
- Stay with the Aliens: When he meets his dad, he decides to stay with the Nereids (even as an adult).
- Wholesome Crossdresser: For whatever reason, he's always seen in a dress and pigtails.
- It's because he was raised by the Nereids, who are a Single Gender Race and therefore have no idea how to raise a male.
- Wife Husbandry: Is the target of a reverse example. He's bound for a very... interesting life.
Feinne AKA Resilience[]
The first of the titular World Eaters encountered. Gig says she's his favorite World Eater, as she is the most powerful of the three and the most obedient. She has little will of her own, and stood silently for centuries following Gig's defeat, only attacking in self-defence. She is actually Resilience, one of the Haephnes gods who committed suicide in order to be reborn among the humans. Drazil warped her into the form of Feinne instead.
- Came Back Wrong: Like Gig.
- Curb Stomp Battle: Battles against her are always this in the Normal Path, either in your favor or hers. The Demon Path often has you and her on even footing.
- Hopeless Boss Fight: Feinne is too powerful to defeat without tapping into Gig's power, and Gig's power comes with a heavy cost. If you do defeat her when you're not supposed to, you end up fighting Asagi.
- I Cannot Self-Terminate: She does self terminate as Resilience, and the results weren't pretty for her, so it's perhaps understandable she requests others do the job for her as Feinne. She requests this of both Gig and Raksha in the Normal and Demon Path respectively.
- The Unfought: Borderline in the Normal path; you're either hopelessly outclassed or she is, so there's not much chance to ever have a real fight with her.
- Wave Motion Gun: Her normal form of offense.

The second World Eater encountered, Thuris by far is the weakest of the three, focusing more on scheming than direct shows of power. He has the misfortune of being one of the first enemies encountered in either path, and as such, often falls prey to the Sorting Algorithm of Evil.
- Big Bad Wannabe
- The Chessmaster: Subverted; he's supposed to be one, but the problem for him is Soul Nomad is a Gambit Pileup from the word go, and he's got at least four other chessmasters he's competing against.
- Complete Monster: Let's start with brainwashing tons of people into a laughing mad cult and work our way from there.
- Fate Worse Than Death: He's resurrected by the Drazillian Masters of Life and Death just to be consumed by them near the end of the game, though this could be considered Kick the Son of a Bitch instead. They try to do the same to Feinne, but Revya and Gig intervene and Mercy Kill her.
- A God Am I: Since normal people can't see him, he's managed to create a massive cult known as the Thurists.
- Guide Dang It: Thuris is the first World Eater type enemy you get into a real battle with, and can be a tricky foe until you figure out the easiest way to take them down. The trick is, they can't move, so stay out of his range until everything else on the field is dead and then muster your forces and power yourself up outside his range, then move in for the kill. Unlike other enemies, World Eater types cannot counter attack, so you can beat on him with impunity during your turns.
- Hearing Voices: Normal people can't see him, so he's managed to convince hundreds that he's a god with a disembodied voice.
- Informed Ability: The World Eater who is supposed to be the best schemer of the three winds up Out-Gambitted by every other chessmaster in the story.
- Laughing Mad: In the Normal Path. So much that it even rivals the The Joker's and actually frightens Gig. Story-wise, it's averted in the Demon Route.
- Out-Gambitted: See above.
- Plaguemaster: The creator of Scarlet Iago, the deadly disease ravaging the land.
- Smug Snake
- Superlative Dubbing: Whoever dubbed him just nails the perfect sort of insane Smug Snake voice a character like Thuris needs.
- Taking You with Me: When he's utterly beaten, Thuris self-destructs to spread a cloud of pure Scarlet Iago upon the party to try to kill them too.
- Villain Forgot to Level Grind: He actually is a certifiable threat the first time you see him, but the second encounter is when he gets seriously Out-Gambitted, and since you've already worked out how to beat him the first time, the rematch is much simpler.

The third world eater encountered, Raksha is, like Feinne, inactive initially, but this is due to being sealed in a cursed forest by the Dio family for generations. In truth, Raksha simply left his hollow shell of a body behind in the forest when he moved his soul into Levin's body instead.
- The Brute: The strongest physically of the World Eaters, but not big on brain power. Well, not quite; he's become one of Soul Nomad's many chessmasters since Gig was sealed.
- The Chessmaster: he spends most of the game disguised as Levin to in a plan to kill anybody he considers a threat to his Evil Plan (the full details of which aren't stated), consisting of Thuris, Fienne, Layna, and Gig. Succeeds in his plan to kill Layna by having Dio trap everyone in a seal so she would come to release them so he could get the jump on her after killing the other two World Eaters.
- Climax Boss: Even knowing how to fight World Eaters from fighting Thuris twice, and with the members of the Hidden Village on your side, Raksha is still no slouch; defeating him really comes down to taking him down before he can smash all your characters into paste.
- Dark Reprise: His battle theme is a remix of Levin's theme.
- Demonic Possession: Done to Levin.
- Kill It with Fire: His attacks consist of breathing fire and growing pair of Wolverine Claws made of fire attacking with them.
- Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness: He talks normally, but Gig noted that he's learned 'many big angry words'. Raksha said that he's feeling verbose.
- Took a Level In Dumbass: Reversed. If Gig's reactions are anything to imply, Raksha's taken a level in genius instead.
- Wolverine Claws: Made of fire.

The leader of the Thurists, the cult that worships Thuris as a god.
- Complete Monster
- Cult
- Devour the Dragon: Thuris eventually sacrifices him and the Thurists to power himself up during his boss battle.
- The Dragon: To Thuris. To Revya in The Demon Path
- Dropped a Bridget On Him
- Evil Laugh: Seems to be a requirement for the Thurists.
- Evil Redhead
- Evil Sorcerer
- Eviler Than Thou: In the Demon Path, decides that Revya is a greater god since he/she's more evil than Thuris
- In Love with Your Carnage: If his reactions to Thorndyke are any indication, he seems to have a thing for insane men.
- Moral Event Horizon: Butchering the village of Pulkina (and Danette's parents) in the name of Thuris.
- Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Abandons Thuris for Revya in the Demon Path when he realizes Revya's going to crush Thuris.
- Viewer Gender Confusion
- Villainous Crossdresser: To the horror of Vitali.
Voiced by: Dave Wittenberg (EN)[]

Commander of the Knights of Raide. Is a very noble, honorable, but misguided man trying to prevent the group from making things worse with Feinne.
- Authority Equals Asskicking: Grand Cordon of Raide, everyone.
- Badass Boast: "I... I don't understand you. But I cannot let such anarchists live! Your death has arrived!"
- Blood on These Hands: Demon Path
- Dropped a Bridge on Him: Dies rather abruptly in the Normal Path.
- Fallen Hero: In the Demon Path
- Hero Antagonist: Embodies this trope. Even the Nereids he opposes are aware that he is a noble, just man.
- Laughing Mad: In the Demon Path, does this after Kanan convinces him that he's always been a Blood Knight at nature and that his heroic past was only an excuse for him to kill.
- Luke, I Am Your Father: To Penn. Penn decides to stay because he's already made his choice to grow up and live with the Nereids. Still, he's proud of the fact that his father is a renowned hero.
- Sanity Slippage: In the Demon Path.

Male Sepp who is the leader of the Yesterwind, a Black Market organization that kidnaps and smuggles children.
- Complete Monster: As mentioned above, his organization kidnaps children and smuggles them. It's through him that some of the more horrible things in the game exists. Hawthorne got his "daughters" from him. Raksha also got Levin and Euphoria from him.
- Dirty Coward
Lobo: (Holding Christophe at knifepoint) Hahaha! 'No fair' is my favorite kind. |
- Evil Counterpart: To Christophe
- Evil Former Friend
- Evil Smoking: Smokes a cigarette.
- Forgotten Childhood Friend: To Christophe
- Freudian Excuse: His past with Christophe has left him with serious trust issues. In the Demon Path, he either refuses to believe that Revya trusts him or is actively hurt that she doesn't, depending on the dialogue.
- Guttural Growler
- Karma Houdini: Unlike his Karmic Death in the Normal Path, Demon Path Lobo gets to betray Revya and walk away scott-free in the good ending.
- Non-Action Guy: Of the Dirty Coward variety.
- Only Sane Man: In the Demon Path, where he eventually betrays and ditches Revya.
- Shoot the Dog: Is summarily executed by Cuthbert in order to keep his more noble brother's (Christophe) hands clean.

Christophe's younger brother. His initial appearances are few, but it eventually becomes clear he's working with both Lobo and Shauna, and the party is forced to fight him at the Yesterwind stronghold. He kills Lobo to keep Christophe's hands clean, and the commits suicide out of guilt for his own misdeeds.
- Combat Medic
- The Dragon: For Lobo.
- Driven to Suicide
- Even Evil Has Loved Ones: More of working with less honorable people, Cuthburt really cares about his big brother. The Demon Path reveals that Cuthburt joined Yesterwind because Christophe was ill and he needed the money to fund for a cure to save him.
- Evil Counterpart: To Vitali.
- Kick the Son of a Bitch: Kills Lobo to ensure Christophe's hands stay clean.
- Liquid Assets: His tech Glutton Gain drains the entire opposing party of HP and bestows it upon Cuthbert's party.
- Only Sane Man: Shares this with Shauna and Lobo in the Demon Path, but then Shauna too goes insane and Lobo abandons Revya.
- Out, Damned Spot!
- Redemption Equals Death
- Start of Darkness: He began working for Lobo to pay off medicine for Christophe.
- The Strategist: For Shauna during your second encounter with her.
Voiced by: Kaori Mizuhashi (JP), Karen Strassman (EN)[]

A bandit who unlike Endorph despises the poor and would rather rob them blind and see them suffer. She serves as a recurring antagonist to Revya's group afterwards. She's actually Trish's long-lost sister, Shari, and in the Normal Path gives up her medicine to save her from Scarlet Iago, eventually succumbing to the disease herself
- Alas, Poor Villain: in the Normal Path.
- Dark and Troubled Past: Possibly has one of the most brutal backstories in the game.
- Dark Chick: In the Demon Path
- Dark-Skinned Redhead
- Died in Your Arms Tonight: Died in Trish's arms after succumbing to the Scarlet Iago.
- Deadpan Snarker: Pretty much anything not involving Trish is disdainment for everything, and this is the Normal Path.
- Dead Little Sister: Thought Tricia was this. Turns out otherwise.
- Dub Name Change: Her name in the Japanese version is Schema.
- Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Is quite protective of her sister.
- Evil Counterpart:To Endorph
- Jerkass Woobie: Though she never reveals her past to anyone but Trish, Shauna's past sucked. Having her home hit with the game's equivalent to The Plague, villagers breaking in to her home, separated from her family and caretaker, forcing herself to fend for herself at a very young age. Of course, she'd probably kick your ass if you try to give her a hug, unless you're Trish.
- Karen Strassman
- Kick the Son of a Bitch: Kills Hawthorne in both paths. She's way too late in the Demon Path though.
- Morality Pet: Trish is this for her in the Demon Path, or at least, gives her emotion. But after that fifty-five day skip...
- Nietzsche Wannabe: In the Demon Path, after Trish kills herself, after which she gives up on everything and devolves into yet another Ax Crazy murderer.
- Not So Different: To Endorph, albeit much more nihilistic.
- Parental Abandonment: Of her own choice, as a child, no less. Tells her father to take baby Trish while she goes with a servant and escape the mob outside of their home.
- Pet the Dog
- The Rival/The Starscream: To Endorph.
- Silly Rabbit, Idealism Is for Kids
- Team Mom/Only Sane Man: Serves as this in the Demon Path, at least until Trish commits suicide.
- Tear Jerker: If you didn't shed a tear during her death scene, then you are made of stone.
- That One Boss: Shauna can kill Revya without much difficulty due to Revya having a terrible matchup against the Gypsy class.
Nash and Lerouche[]
Shauna's two sidekicks. Generic Pyre Mages.
- Ascended Extra: They actually get screentime in the Demon Path. And lines!
- Playing with Fire
- Those Two Bad Guys
- Undying Loyalty: To Shauna

Merchant with some extensive skeletons in his closet.
- Blond Guys Are Evil
- Complete Monster: In both paths.
- One-Scene Wonder: Again, in both paths.
- Rape Is a Special Kind of Evil: Used to show how evil he really is.
- Wife Husbandry: Sick example of it. He raises girls as his daughters until he rapes and murders them when they turn 17.
Dio of the Evil Eye[]

The actual Dio and Odie's younger brother. The scion of the prestigious Dio family of sorcerers, he serves as an adviser to Queen Diness of Orviska. His ultimate goal is to kill Layna/Virtuous for humiliating his family generations ago to prove that the Dio line is more powerful and to take over the world for Median. Actively working with the World Eater Raksha.
- Always Someone Better: Layna is his (and his family's) someone better, and he hates her for it. Also, he's this to Odie.
- Boom Stick
- Climax Boss: The last boss fought before crossing over to the other world. The battle in which you directly fight him and one before it are two of the longest and most tactically involving in the game, forcing you to carefully work your way around cramped terrain and bring down hordes of enemy troops. Dio himself is one of the very few enemies in the normal path to travel with a full team of nine units. And just to drive the point home, Rock n Rock's plays during the battle.
- The Dragon: To Gestahl.
- Evil Chancellor: Subverted. He's totally loyal to the queen (and in the Demon Path actively risks his life to save her), but still an asshole.
- Evil Counterpart: To Odie.
- Evil Sorcerer
- Guest Star Party Member: Joins the party in the Demon Path for a brief amount of time.
- Heel Face Turn: In the Demon Path, plays a Hero Antagonist role since he's initially to protect Orviska, and rescue the queen after Revya takes over. After Ghestal's death, he makes a full turn towards good and vows to work to better the world after Revya's defeat.
- Not So Different: Is accused of being the same as Raksha in the normal path, to which he replies that Raksha doesn't actually want to rule anything, he just doesn't want anyone to give him orders.
- Redemption Earns Life: In the Demon Path Good Ending.
- Screw the Rules, I Make Them: His response to Odie calling him immoral magic is that laws are for commoners and that those who makes laws are above them.
- Shock and Awe
- Squishy Wizard
- Undying Loyalty: To Median, even in death. So much so that the entire family spent over 200 years trying to revive and keep him alive.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: He was a jerk, make no mistake, but he was doing what he thought was best for the world. Killing Layna is just to satiate his pride though.
Blazing Gestahl/Lord Median the Conqueror[]
Voiced by: Patrick Seitz (EN)[]

A half-zombified swordsman with unmatched power who has been the personal property, along with Yavis and Parin, of the head of the Dio Family for generations. He's in fact Lord Median, Came Back Wrong, and actually commands the head of the Dio Family, rather than the other way around. He wishes to regain his true power.
- Asskicking Equals Authority: As Median the Conqueror, folks.
- Authority Equals Asskicking
- Bonus Boss: As Median the Conqueror. You gain access to him after you beat him
- Came Back Wrong: As Gesthal, he has to contantly use Crimson Tears and other peoples' lives to sustain his current state.
- Climax Boss: Since the real final boss is an Anticlimax Boss to a certain extent, Gestahl is the last truly difficult foe in the Normal path.
- Dark Is Edgy: His powers are essentially Revya's Demon powers turned Up to Eleven.
- DidYouJustBeatGig: As Median. Granted Gig was still Vigilance at the time, but the guy killed the freakin' Grim Reaper! And if you lose to him, Virtuous falls too, though doesn't exactly end well for him.
- The Dragon: For Dio. But not really. Dio is his Dragon.
- Fridge Brilliance: If there was any doubt that Gesthal and Median are the same people, check out their moves: though rearranged, all of Median's attacks work the same as Gestahl: Hitting the row, column, or the entire party. And their skills are the same, just named differently; Median's being around his royalty, and Gesthal's being about revenge.
- Guest Star Party Member: Joins you for a few battles in the Demon Path, where he is wonderfully just as much a Game Breaker as he was in the Normal path.
- Iaijutsu Practitioner: With the Onyx Blade as Median.
- I Cannot Self-Terminate: He has to force Revya to defeat him in a clean fight; if he simply allowed her to kill him, she could not gain his full powers.
- Laser-Guided Amnesia: Occasionally loses all memory.
- Lightning Bruiser: He's pretty much a Game Breaker.
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: The Blazing Swordsman anyone?
- Forget Blazing Swordsman. Try his real name, Median the Conqueror.
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: All the problems in Haephnes were caused by him killing Vigilance out of revenge for the death of his son and his wish to live forever and govern the united Prodesto. (To be fair, he was tricked by Drazil into doing so). Also, there's an optional moment where if you lose to him in the Bonus Boss battle, he tries to kill Virtuous as well, which causes the end of the world.
- The Problem with Fighting Death: He was under the impression that killing the Master of Death will allow him to live forever and thus lead Prodesto to an age of prosperity and peace. By the way, he's wrong .
- Redemption Equals Death: Sacrifices himself to give Revya her Eleventh-Hour Superpower.
- Secret AI Moves: Averted; He's just as good as a Guest Star Party Member as he was as That One Boss.
- Tear Jerker: His final words to Reyva before his Heroic Sacrifice. Both the words, and the way he says them.
Gestahl: If I can grant my power to my child...then I have no regrets. I look forward to the new world you will create...the world you will lead. Hehe...hahaha! |
- That One Boss: Gestahl is all about smashing your entire party For Massive Damage. And his tactics are all about smashing your entire party and any others on a line behind them For Massive Damage, or turning his Massive Damage Up to Eleven. His decors are all about nerfing your parties so he can hit you For Massive Damage even better. It's easy to see why he's very difficult, even when he's entirely alone.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: He wants to obtain his old powers in order to save Haephnes. Before that, as Median, he killed the Master of Death in order to live forever and govern Prodesto, which had been a Crapsack World prior to his reign. Unfortunately, things didn't turn out so well...
Voiced by: Jamieson Price (EN)[]

God of the alternate world and villain of the game. Drazil used Gig and the World Eaters to attempt to usurp the flow of souls from Haephnes and lead them all into his world. He believes his world knows true order and peace, but, in Gig's own words, his world is little more than a graveyard full of dead people who simply haven't stopped moving yet.
- All Your Powers Combined: Is all about this. Not only does he combine with his Masters of Life and Death to form the final boss, but he draws power from his Drazillian minions as well.
- Amazing Technicolor Battlefield
- Big Bad: Of the Normal Path.
- The Chessmaster: The top one in the storyline, rivaled only by Virtuous.
- Co-Dragons: Gamma and Joules, the Drazillian Masters of Life and Death serve as this.
- The Evils of Free Will: He, as well as his Masters of Life and Death, were disgusted with how Haephnes' world turned out. Firm believers that free will leads only to suffering and that everyone would be better off without it, this was the reason for his World of Silence.
- Heel Face Turn: In the Demon Path bad ending.
- Knight Templar
- Large Ham: He is voiced by Jamieson Price in the Dub.
- My God, What Have I Done?: Revya's actions in the Demon Path leave Drazil struck with guilt and fully aware he's entirely at fault for what she's done.
- Nightmare Fuel: The Three World Eater sized forms.
- Polite Villains Rude Heroes: Well calling him, Gamma and Joules polite would be a better of stretch, their well-spoken attitude and the fact that party of heroes does include Gig makes them come off as polite by comparison.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist
- World of Silence: His world, where the people all look the same and have no sense of individuality.