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  • Hey, It's That Guy!:
    • Self-Titled Album:
    • Primitive:
      • "Jumpdafuckup" (feat. Corey Taylor of Slipknot and Stone Sour)
      • "Son Song" features Sean Lennon...the son of John Lennon and Yoko Ono. He performs the chorus of the song, and can be heard in the final seconds of the song talking about Cavalera's heavy-gauge strings hurt his fingertips.
      • "Terrorist" (feat. Tom Araya)
    • Cristian Machado of Ill Niño features on "One", from the album 3.
    • Prophecy features Dave Ellefson on the title track, and Serbian reggae band Eyesburn on the track "Moses".
    • Omen features appearances by Greg Puciato of The Dillinger Escape Plan and Tommy Victor of Prong.