Ensemble Darkhorse: Annie became MORE popular than Shaider, and pretty much most Uchuu Keiji fanfics center around her.
Executive Meddling is partially responsible for this. The first two Space Sheriff shows featured leads played by JAC stuntmen (which was the entire selling point of the franchise) and female sidekicks who were just there for the eye candy. When Space Sheriff Sharivans ratings tanked, the executives decided to cast a pretty boy (non-JAC, obviously) as Shaiders lead to boost ratings. To throw a bone to the fans who liked the first two shows for the out-of-suit fighting, they cast a JAC stuntwoman as the sidekick, Annie. In other words, Annie filled the same role in Shaider that the protagonists of the first two shows did in their shows. The plan to boost ratings didn't work--Shaiders ratings were even worse than Sharivans. The only people who watched it were those who watched the first two shows for the out-of-suit action; in other words, they watched Shaider for Annie.
So popular that GMA (the network, not the president) decided to revive the franchise with an original series called ZAIDO.
High Octane Nightmare Fuel: Imagine yourself as a Japanese kid watching Shaider during the Christmas holiday. Everything's jolly in the episode until the monster starts a cult society of brainwashed children that worships a crucified Santa.
Signature Scene: The 4th episode, "The Children Who Became Animals", had Shaider tossing a family's dog name Wataru which turns out to be Nossori, one of the Beasts.