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Hanna-Barbera produced this hourlong Animated Anthology for NBC in the early 1980s. Along with new adventures for Space Ghost and The Herculoids, Space Stars featured two new segments:

  • Teen Force: Elektra, Kid Comet and Moleculad, accompanied by The Unintelligible Astro-Mites, continually opposed Uglor and his plans for galactic conquest.
  • Astro and the Space Mutts: The Jetsons' pet was now one of a Comic Trio of space patrol dogs. They were usually more hindrance than help to Space Ace, their mustachioed master.

Every episode comprised two segments with Space Ghost, one each with the Herculoids, Teen Force and Space Mutts, and a "Space Stars Finale" Crossover at the end.

Tropes used in Space Stars include: