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Basic Trope: Adding the prefix "Space" to something to make it seem cooler or more advanced.

  • Straight: "Do not make us use our Space Guns on you."
  • Exaggerated: "Space Captain's space log, stardate Space 23460.4."
  • Justified: A lot of the materials on a ship were made in space, which alters their forms compared to those made on a planet.
  • Inverted: "Well those Earth black holes aren't as dangerous as the normal ones."
  • Subverted: "This rocket has a lot of space... saving compartments."
  • Double Subverted: "... that are secured by space padlocks."
  • Parodied: Things that are already in space are called this.

 "We're tracking a space comet traveling in a space nebula approximately 3.5 space light years away."

  • Deconstructed: Equipment made in space isn't as sturdy or reliable due to zero gravity not making them strong enough to handle typical use.
  • Reconstructed: Equipment made in zero gravity and a vacuum is invaluable to the tech of the future. Some materials would not be possible without these factors.
  • Zig Zagged: ???
  • Averted: Even the word "spaceship" is replaced with a different term.
  • Enforced: ???
  • Lampshaded: "Yeah, it sometimes feels lazy to rely on that for naming the new equipment."
  • Invoked: ???
  • Exploited: ???
  • Defied: "Just because you invented that gun in space does not make it the "space" equivalent. Just call it a damn gun."
  • Discussed: "I guess on a space factory they might just feel it's the easiest way to think up new names."
  • Conversed: ???
  • Played For Laughs: "Ow, you space kicked me in my space nuts!"
  • Played For Drama: A man cannot live on Earth due to a medical condition. He calls everything on his station this, to remind him of home in some form.
  • Plotted A Good Waste: ???

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